Wednesday, June 01, 2011

real quick

I should be in bed right now but I'm stalling I guess. It's so nice and quiet right now. Hard to pull myself away. I always have these posts that sound so great in my head, but when I go to actually post them - disappointing. Here's a few things going on around here -
- Dave is finishing up his dissertation and should have a mostly don't copy submitted on Friday. This makes me happier than many many things.
- Friday Dave and I are going to his advisor's house for dinner. These things always make me a little quivery inside, but it should be fun. I remember his wife being nice to chat with. At least a couple years ago that was the case.
- I've been babysitting very little lately due to some member in one of the 2 households being sick. Between little girls having fevers and ear infections (thankfully Aleah has been healthy for awhile now), Dave and I both getting sick, etc etc. Anyway, all this time "off" I'm sure should mean the place is spotless and I have 11 years worth of prepared meals in the freezer, and 21 boxes packed for our impending move. It of course means none of that. I don't know where all the time goes!
- I've been in a cooking slump for awhile. Like ever since we got married. haha. maybe not quite. anyway, tonight I was determined to cook something good and we were going to all eat together. Mission accomplished, be it ever so late. Aleah ate an entire can of mandarin oranges while waiting for supper to come out of the oven. And not one of those little cans either. haha.
- Yes she seems to have a good appetite these days. Making up for a month ago when she was sick for a long time maybe? Man she can put away the food. Sunday she came home from church quite hungry apparently. She ate a pile of sweet potatoes, a bunch of blueberries, some cheerioes I think, and washed it down with 4 organic perogies. haha. I add organic in there so whoever wants to can freely roll their eyes. She is looking a little chunkier than she did in April.
- One more thing about food before moving on - we used to find small lil turkeys for our crock pot. They were so yummy and easy and I could go on. Anyway, the only ones I can find now are turkeys that contain "15% solution to enhance flavors." But I don't LIKE that kind! I just want a good ol plain turkey! They taste too salty and nasty with 15 % of it being a non-turkey substance. I have no point to this story, only to say that I miss my lil turkeys! snif.
- I'm very close to taking the plunge into cloth diaperdom. I've sort of been meaning to ever since she was a few months old but there's always been good reasons not too. Anyway, I'm just tired of diaper rashes and buying diapers, etc. etc. I suppose washing diapers will be less joyful than buying them. Anyway, if there are any experts out there that want to offer tips, I'm all ears. I had a kind that I wanted to get and then someone was selling that kind on Craigslist so I might get some to try.
- In 3 weeks I'm going to Indiana to a friend's wedding and also to hopefully scope out housing options. I'm greatly looking forward to the trip and praying that flying with Aleah is much more akin to her 7 month experience and does not at all resemble her 3 month experience. shudder.
- A little Aleah update mostly for my records but you can read if you feel like it. I've been meaning to write some things down and haven't gotten around to it. Not surprisingly, her favorite word right now is YUM YUM (or num num)! Sometime in the last week or so we were in our room (no where close to food or the kitchen) and I asked her if she was hungry and right away she said YUM YUM! I didn't know she knew what hungry meant, but apparently she does. She's finally learned how to sign please and decided to be resourceful and use the same sign for thank you. She can now often be found desperately smoting her chest in hopes of getting what she wants. Such a sad lesson to learn that please can't ALWAYS work. She'll look at you desperately with those huge blue eyes, beating on her chest as if to say, I'm doing everything you asked!! Why can't I have that? It is rather sad at times. But anyway, the signing part is really cute. Dave taught her to dance to music by holding up her little index fingers and bouncing to the music. She takes this pretty seriously and usually if she hears music she'll stick her fingers up, even if she's not dancing. She's also done the "How big is Aleah?" thing for a long time, but now if she hears the words "so big" in conversation or on the TV or anywhere, her arms shoot straight up. And sometimes it's with a totally straight face, nothing fun about it - this is serious business. It's quite funny to watch. She seems to have a pretty strong sense of duty and is often pretty serious, but is usually a pretty content kid. She's also very determined when she wants something. Ok, that's all about her. Well, I should hand off the computer. I guess that's all of my ramblings for now.


Bethany said...

How about some video clips of the dancing? Unless she's like most other babies who will do all kinds of cute and smart things until they sense Mom and Dad wanting them to perform for other people, and do their best to prove their parents a bunch of liars. ; )

Jenni said...

Awww.. I miss her. She won't be doing all those things when I see her - just doing other more grown-up things. :-( I can almost picture it though. :-)

Sabrina said...

This was fun to read. Callie is signing please a lot too. I hate saying no to her. :( We briefly talked about cloth diapers, but then we figured how much it would cost and figured we would need to use them on several children to make it as cheap as buying diapers. I figured by the time I had that many children I wouldn't have time to wash cloth diapers. I'm probably just lazy. I have a friend that used them a lot. It can be done!