Thursday, June 09, 2011

around the house...

Just a few pics. nothing too exciting to report since I last blogged. These were taken maybe a week ago - with a roomful of toys, she'd of course rather play with...

tea bags
plastic containers
the fly swatter (don't worry, I washed it)... etc.

Today - a sorta rough day. she got a fever last night and had one this afternoon and evening as well. wasn't a super happy camper. We're hoping it's teeth or a little bug, and not the dreaded ear infection coming back to visit. ugh.

Did manage to get a few smiles
Mealtimes are so crazy right now. She freaks out if she can't hold things and play with them, in addition to the food of course. She also really likes to try to eat with something and not just use her hands. She obviously hasn't perfected the skill. But she sees us eating and hey, we're not shoveling it in with our hands, so why should she (we're also not randomly throwing our food and utensils on the floor, but she hasn't made that connection yet)?

Trying to use her fork.

Ha - didn't think her face would show through the bowl. cracks me up.

Going for a quick stroll before bed. That's all, good night.


Rhonda said...

oh how i wish you could bring her over to play sometimes. i'm sure we'd get along pretty well. :)

rachelslab said...

I think you would have flashbacks Rhonda! = )