Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day, etc.

I got these sunglasses for Aleah and didn't tell Dave - took some pictures and then gave him one in a frame on Father's Day.

Okay, this is getting old...
A pile from Sunday - snuck a mommy one in, since she thwarted my plan of having a "real" mother's day this year. = P

My sweetie's first father's day. Aleah wasn't in the best of moods, having just gotten home from church and all... so we do what we can.

I so wish Aleah was happy on this one (above) because it's a great picture of Dave. So I posted it anyway.

The next 2 pics - I've been trying to finish for a month now, a wall hanging for the nursery. FINALLY got it done last night. It's a little busy and high on the decorations, low on the pics. But oh well, I think it's pretty fun, and turned out okay. You can tell me you love it or you hate it - I'd like to know! The first one - can you find the hidden photographer? haha. Also, I should give credit to my sister for some of the ideas, like painting right on the glass around a picture and doing dots on some of the letters. Okay, I think the rest were my ideas. = ) You can't see it really, but the big blue letters have green dots and the green ribbon under it has blue dots. oh so fun. It was like doing a giant scrapbook page. Okay, enjoy the pics, I think that's all for now. I need to go pick up this house - it's sorta a wreck. Happy Thursday! Oh, sidenote, looking at these pictures I think Aleah has changed a bunch just since last Sunday - she's getting so big and looking more and more grown up all the time. Man, can't she just stay tiny for a little bit??


Sue said...

I like it. I like the nursery thingies and I like the new photos of her. They're great. Keep up the good bloggin' Rachie!!! : )

Bethany said...

I wish I could have a soundtrack of the father/daughter photo shoot. I bet there were lots of funny quips flying around - that's a great picture where she's wailing her head off and Dave is grinning. : ) And the one of you & her is just darling - I see a look in your eyes of "this is so right!"

Jenni said...

I love the pics!!! I especially like how Aleah's ribbon/sash matches Dave's shirt. I suppose you planned that?

The wall-hanging is great!!! Better than what I had envisioned. I wish I could read what's in the yellow hexagon...

Rhonda said...

love the pictures, as always. :) i think my favourite this time is the one of the three of you.

love the wallhanging, too, but my first reaction was "now you have to make one for each of your kids, you know!!" haha. :) that's so cool, and will be a keepsake.

Kari said...

Love those pictures! She is such a cutie!

rachelslab said...

Jenni - the yellow hex. is Ps. 24:3-5ish - "Who will ascend the hill of the Lord, who will abide in his presence... he who has clean hands and a pure heart..." The story is that I was trying to find the spiritual meanings for her names and a coordinating verse. We've found different ones for Aleah - to ascend, return to one's homeland, to exalt... and for Suzanne, Bethany thought it meant brilliant and pure - I didn't look any further because I liked that one and because we could use the same verse for both names. how cool is that? = )

Rhonda - I had that thought during the month in took me to finish this. So I thought maybe Aleah should just be an only child. But then I thought about all the extra quotes I have to use so maybe she should have some siblings. It's all about the crafts you know.

Robyn said...

Very lovely - the wallhangy thingy, the baby, the parents, the little family. All is lovely. :-)

Bethany Suzanne said...

I miss your baby!
And you of course... :) lol.