Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, I wanted to post a bunch of pictures before we left, but sadly, tis not happening. We're leaving this morning for GA after we finish getting ready, which will be who knows what time. We're going to Dave's cousin's wedding and taking our time getting there. I haven't been out or the state or barely the city since Christmas, so I'm really looking forward to it. I don't really have a lot of interesting news or anything. The last few days have been a lot of running around. I'm very tired. I know where my keys are. Um, I guess this is just hey and have a great week everyone!


Jenni said...

have fun!! i thought about calling you this morning, but i'm actually going to blog instead. for real. right now! hope you don't mind. :-(

Rhonda said...

georgia, huh? it's like you're in a whole nother country.

jenni, you made the right choice. :D

Sabrina said...

Have a good weekend! I wanted to email you before you left, but didn't get it done. :(

Robyn said...

I just now read your story about the keys. I'm sorry if this was at your expense, but I'm still laughing. :-) I'm sorry someone called you an idiot. But I'm glad you have your keys and no one stole your car. :-) Or came into your apartment...