Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hooray! it's a trip!

At Orange Beach in Alabama.

Rehearsal dinner
Pictures of people you don't know, most likely... Dave and his cousins and grandpa
Dave and I with his parents
I was taking a picture of Dave and his brother when someone jumped in the shot. Think they might be related?
At the outdoor wedding reception. It was at such a pretty place.

killing time waiting to get food

Dave and his brother, mom, and uncle making some music - the first time I heard him play trumpet.
Sunday evening we went to Longhorn steak house for supper. It was Dave's birthday and mine was the day before so we both got ice cream.

In honor of Dave's birthday, it appears I got stoned.


Bethany said...

How fun to see pictures of your beautiful face all through your post! Looks like a fun weekend.

Jenni said...

wow! i hardly know where to start! um..

1) gorgeous scenery!
2) nice jewelry!
3) beautiful reception tent!
4) sorry about the haircut. :-(
5) i don't think i knew that dave plays trumpet. so cool! logan will be impressed.

Matthew and Rhonda said...

pretty much what jenni said. except for the part about logan. i really like that necklace. and a getaway at the beach sounds lovely. thanks for all the fotos.

rachelslab said...

Haha- the jewelry - red one was borrowed from a friend and the black one was 7 dollars at walmart which promptly broke before I got it on the first time and Dave fixed enough for me to wear to the wedding. Yeah, the tent was really pretty! Dave was in marching band in both high school and college. He hasn't played much since then.