Sunday, October 12, 2008

the real question...

So, Dave and I came up with a plan a week or so ago. Of all the wonderful, noble, and sweet things he is and does, I would have to say that tidally (is that a word) picking up after himself would not generally be listed as one of his strengths. So one particularly frustrating day, he came home from school and I asked... "WHAT DO I DO THAT REALLY ANNOYS YOU????" He was nice and pretended to think for a long time. Well anyway, sometimes I use a word he doesn't like very well. Okay, so we came up with a plan. Every time I have to put something away or throw something away of his, he gets a point. Every time I say the word, I get a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the week has to clean the bathroom. Well, the week drug on and the game make him a little cranky. (and I only counted about half his points, because I felt so bad) The real question is this: do I count points for the cleaning supplies he left laying around after cleaning the bathroom? sigh. Or do I just give up and bring back the time-honored concepts of grace, servanthood, and love keeping no record of wrongs back to our 2 month marriage? (Poor Dave is convinced he'll be cleaning the bathroom till he's 70.)

In other news, I have once again allowed myself to be drawn into other worlds, namely the world of 24. I watched it probably 2 years or so ago with my roommate in Indiana. Oh my - it completely sucked me in. Dave and I started watching Friday night and now he's hooked and I'm trying so hard not to give anything away.

Yesterday I am rather proud to say that we got a lot of stuff done and crossed off the list, and then had several hours reserved for 24. I organized the bookshelf in the living room, Dave rearranged the cords that were hanging from all the electronic gear to make them aesthetically pleasing, something that's been bugging me for ages. Oh, and the angel that was hanging on the wall in our room (refer to a couple posts back) is now on the table where the tv is and that helps to hide all the cords. I finally got my stereo set up and finally, that side of the apartment looks rather nice. This was sad. The friends who had given us a lot of furniture gave us a wood cabinet with a glass door. I put our games in there and the stereo on top. After I hooked up the stereo, I was moving the cabinet back against the wall and my dumb knee, I guess was pushing too hard against the door, and the glass just shattered. WHAAA!!! I did nearly cry, but decided against it. On the bright side, we can now just reach in and grab a game with out the pesky nuisance of actually opening the door.

One annoyance we have been facing and fighting with valor, is tiny, jumping, flying BUGS. They are SO obnoxious! We have discovered that they particularly like the garbage (rotting food I assume) and any food left in dishes in the sink. So we're trying to keep all the dishes washed all the time, etc. But what in the world are these things? I don't think I've seen anything quite like them until moving here. Does anyone else know or have the same thing?

Okay, I think that's about it for now. Dave's working on Math and I'm waiting for him to get done so we can watch some more 24. Oh, and my Indiana roommate for the past almost 5 years (minus the last 2 months when I got a different roommate) is coming to see me!! Whoo hooo! can't wait. She's coming in November. And we're going to paint the town red. All on a shoestring budget. Not sure how we're going to do that exactly, but anyway, we're going to have a blast!!

I'll leave you with a final quote for your preponderance. I saw this on a book of Dave's called "Body By God" - the title alone is enough to make me shudder, or roll my eyes, or something. But this is what REALLY got me: "How to eat like an elephant, but look like a gazelle." There are SO many places I could go with that, but I think I'll just leave it at that for now. (can I at least here a resounding, DUH!!- here, eat this entire pizza and you too can grow hooves and fur! yeay!)


Anonymous said...

hehe. i've got the "eat like an elephant" part down pat. now what?

glad you continue to get your little pad organized.

and i have an idea for your point system that might even things out a tad. :-D i'll call you. this morning.


Anonymous said...

but do elephants eat pizza? anyway, sounds like an interesting book nonetheless.

Sabrina said...

I enjoyed reading this post. The point game sounded just like something Jeremy and I would do! About the bugs, I have no idea what they are, but for those little bugs that fly around over ripe fruit try this: Mix a little vinagar (apple cider, but I think any kind might work?) with a couple drops of dish soap. Let this mixture sit on your counter for a day or two and you'll "catch" those nasty bugs. Maybe it will work for your bugs too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,
I enjoy your blog even tho I haven't left many footprints there. Just felt I had to comment on this "...or do I just give up and bring back the time-honored concepts of grace, servanthood, and love keeping no record of wrongs back to our 2 month marriage?" I'd recommend that approach. We all have strengths and weaknesses and some things are just not worth trying to change. It's worked for us for 40 years and we are still best friends!