Friday, August 03, 2007

A little bit of nothing to say...

Hi and happy Friday to those of you that Friday actually means something exciting. I thought I'd wander on here and say hello even though I don't really have so much to say. It's been a long week but I got off early today so that's super nice. Something very odd happened this month that I don't think has ever happened before. So in my job, we tear around all month doing visits and for each one, we have to write a report. Then we also have various other data to enter throughout the month. We are supposed to have all our data in by the 5th, for the previous month. But usually our boss gives us a few extra days and I'm going good to get it all in by the 9th or so. Usually we're at the end of the month with about 30 or so visits to enter. So then you spend till the 9th of the month doing data for the month before and then you are behind for that month and it just a vicious cycle. Anyway, by some miracle this month, I had all my data don yesterday which would have been the SECOND! I know this isn't exciting at all, but it's about the best I can come up with right now. Oh, and just so you know the kind of stress we're under, this morning in staff meeting, one of my co-workers shared this little ditty. She dreamt last night that she cut off a finger. So she grabbed the poor little severed finger because she thought she would go to the doctor and have it re-attached. But first, she carried her finger with her to all her visits for the day because ya gotta get visits!! Created sort of a funny mental picture.

Well, Bethany is here for the weekend and is at conference right now. I'm going to join her this evening and most of the weekend and I'm looking forward to it a lot. It's always great catching up with her as well. My computer is doing this really annoying delay thing where I can type a whole line almost before the words show up and it's really annoying so I think I'm gonna go now. Cheerio!


Jenni said...

congratultions on your speediness!! have fun with bethany!

Sabrina said...

Thanks for the update and enjoy conference! Our church is now part of CMC so maybe some year I'll see you at conference.

Anonymous said...

And since I see that you want comments, here's one. I hope you're feeling better today!

Thanks for letting me crash at your house again and eat those yummy, fruity-flavored, sugar-saturated cheerios. : )

lisa said...

hey! don't be whining about the comments!!! I posted two times this week and you haven't commented!!! boo hoo hoo!!!! I'm teasing you Rachel!!! I love reading your blogs....they ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS make me smile!! I'm gonna secretly publish them in a book someday and become stinkin' rich and you'll wish you would have done it yourself!!! ha! ha! ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,Hope you are have a great week! Good for you on your promptness!