Sunday, August 12, 2007

Oh the drippage that is my face...

Or more appropriately, "I have nothing to say, but crave approval so I'm coming on here to try to make you happy." But don't expect anything much. or much of anything. I guess I haven't said anything since conference. It was a lot of fun. It was great spending some time with Bethany and Karla and catching up with a whole host of other people, including a 3rd cousin that I had one semester of college with. It's so crazy to have these connections with so many people. On Monday I had a sore throat in the morning and it got increasingly worse throughout the day and by evening, I practically had to grip something because the pain was so intense when I swallowed. Yeah, didn't feel the best for awhile and now it's just basically a cold and I'm tired and drippy and can't smell or taste and have Larry and Jitus. I took NyQuil on Friday night and that stuff is wicked. I think I forget how bad it is and keep taking it. It seriously didn't wear off till around 4 in the afternoon yesterday. So I was dragging myself around and stopping for rests in between the slightest of exertions and my roommate really wanted to go to a coffee shop. I figured I could sit and hack and sniff there as well as anywhere else but I just didn't have the gumption to get ready. So I slumped in the chair and she did my hair and put my face on for me and then she said I looked like a medieval princess and then we left. She's SO weird!


Anonymous said...

are you sure you're not reincarnated and she was just seeing you as you used to be? You must have a really sweet roommate to say you look like a princess!
Hope you feel better soon!
~ Sharika

Anonymous said...

Maybe when your roommate put your face on, she picked a midevil one? Just a thought...
~ Ebony

Anonymous said...

Hmm, you should have posted a picture...I'm curious what a medieval princess looks like. :)

lisa said...

you poor thing, you poor poor thing!!! (that saying comes from Sweet Life of Zach and Cody...ever watch it?). anyways... I hate getting colds!!! they just make you feel all out of sorts. but hang on, they do pass and next week you'll feel good again. drink lots of Orange juice!! and it will go away faster (well...i tell that to my kids and it seems to work here!).

Jenni said...

hi! sorry. yeah i want to see a pic of a medieval princess too!

Matthew and Rhonda said...

i can't remember anything you wrote because of the horrid colours on your blog, my dear...ooops, that sounds offensive.

lets see...
Rachel, dear. Please kindly change the colour of your font so I can read your blog once again.

Matthew and Rhonda said...

oh now i feel dumb. at first i thought those colours are just one of your crazy schemes, but then i went back and looked and then i thought maybe you really love those colours and if you do i respect your choices. but, i stand by the fact that they make my eyes hurt. I just want to say it in the nicest way possible. are we still friends?

Sabrina said...

hope the coffee was good! hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

Is this any better Rhonda? We are still friends, but half of this friendship has a very wounded heart. sniff. Just kidding. I wasn't madly in love with the green, but clearly not as opposed to it as you were. But I do aim to please... Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Lisa - I have been drinking lots of OJ - thanks for the tip.

Sabrina - I hate coffee. I drank iced tea but couldn't taste it so I'm not sure if it was good.

Jenni said...

i hope you feel loved since this is your tenth comment!!! :-)

Matthew and Rhonda said...

thank you for your understanding in this matter. :D

Jenni said...

whine. i liked the colors better before you started messing with them. whine. but you don't have to make me happy! whine.