Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm going to Vegas...

Last night I won a rousing poker game and it made me so excited I can see why people gamble away their life savings. I basically won due to the last round where everyone knew it was the last round and didn't care so they bet high. But it was so fun raking in all those chips.... good grief... I might have a disease. Anyway, here I am, almost 2 days in a row - do I get a prize or something? Did everyone survive Monday? I nearly did not. I really really really did not want to go to work today. I mean, I know no one ever really wants to go to work on Monday, but today was exceptionally loathsome. I think it has something to do with gambling instead of sleeping on the weekend. Oh well..... with all the money I've won, I should be quitting my job soon anyway. Then I'm going to tour Europe till I'm 45. Anyone wanna come?


Rhonda said...

just go on over and read about my monday...then you'll know i'm ready to go to vegas or europe or wherever you want to go. :)

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You were playing poker? What the... And you used to rag on Matt and myself for playing all the time. :)

shaunjoy said...

I'll go to Europe with you, as long as I don't have to win any poker games. I grin whenever I have anything decent. *sigh*

Heather said...

I'll host you when you come to Europe. I mean, what could be more fun than sleeping in my tiny apartment and cooking in my living room, right? Who cares about all those beautiful cathedrals and wonderful museums?

Sabrina said...

vegar, europe, sure i'll go!

Robyn said...

Rachel. All I can say is I truly hope there was no real cash involved. Ahem. How the mighty have fallen. (Isn't poker fun? I haven't played in years but it is highly addicting, even when you're just using pennies!)

Anonymous said...

Jason says it takes skill to play poker. For me it's just the luck of the cards. Either way congratulations on your win!

Anonymous said...

You know, Rachel, my first memory of you is playing that gambling game at Pakwash and I simply could not understand or keep up with it. I don't even remember what it was called, except that it was probably the most frustrating game I've ever tried to play. Guess gambling isn't in MY blood. =)

rachelslab said...

I had all these comments written out to you all and then I couldn't post it - today I can finally post. So just a few things - G. - I didn't exactly earn enough to put me through school! = )

Robyn, I didn't really earn anything at all - I have fond memories of playing penny poker with you and your sisters.

Kendra - Are you talking about Tripoley? That's the only one I can think of. That was a fun little game! = )