Sunday, March 04, 2007

I miss my pants: The evils of household cleaners

Well, since the fans are clamouring for an update... yeah right. Actually, since it's after midnight, I was all set to go to bed, and then I remembered that I told a certain Madagascan that I would update tonight. I was tempted to ignore the nagging voice in my head, but decided that I should do what I say so as to lead an upright and trustworthy life, so here I am. With nothing to say. So I'll tell you a sad little tale of ruined pants. A few weeks ago I bought some highly discounted workout pants. They were so cheap, but expensive if you know what I mean - made well and originally cost a lot, but since they were about 90% off, I think I paid 7 bucks for them. Oh how I loved those pants. I wore them to work out all the time. They were so comfy and stretchy and inviting. Well, as luck would have it, I was cleaning the bathroom last week and used some high powered stuff on the shower. I was kneeling on the edge and then had this fleeting thought - I wonder how strong this stuff really is. I think what made me think that is that I was beginning to have trouble breathing. So I looked down and ohhhh, the sadness of it all - instead of the pretty blue color, both knees had turned a lovely, bleached white/pink. I can't just go back to the store because I didn't buy them in town. I really miss them a lot.

For something happy - this just in from my cashew butter - "East Wind Nut Butters are made by a worker-owned cooperative in the lovely Ozark hills of rural southern Missouri. As equal partners in our business we take pride in producing quality products at the most reasonable price. We also make East Wind Drums and Utopian Rope Sandals." How random is that? Good to know I guess.

I trust this post has proved invaluable in enriching your life through needed knowledge, exhortation, and merriment. I fear I have interrupted your solitary revelry with little and insufficient cause. g'night.


Rhonda said...

thank you from the bottom of my madagascan heart. i laughed (the info on your cashew butter) and i cried (your pants).

good bye for now.

shaunjoy said...

Utopian rope sandals? Veddy interesting. Oh, and I've ruined too many shirts to count from scrubbing the tub. TMI warning: I've starting stripping down to do it.

Thanks for stopping by my site -- yes I'm prego and am getting, to quote a phrase of yours, "big like house." :)

Jenni said...

sigh. my dear, you always excelled in the "ruined clothes" department! :-/ a special talent of yours i guess!

i just want to know what sandals have to do with utopia? if they were really connected somehow, i might like to buy a pair right now!

just thought you might like to know, it's -32 C. here this morning. and the "first day of spring" is only 2.5 weeks away. hurray for the north!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Joy on the TMI tidbit - it's so much easier to do right after or before a shower.

And yeah, you can go freakishly excited because it is this weekend that I will honor you with my presence...not that I think the world SHOULD be freakishly excited over me. : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

It's Rosie. Mom told me you and Jenni had a blog so I thought I'd check them out and say hi. HI!

Anonymous said...

the whole cashew butter thing sounds a little new age-y and hippyish to me. what have you become???

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel! Just stopping by and leaving a comment this time! =) Maybe we'll run in to each other online again when I actually have time to chat. So sorry about your could still wear them at home and to bed, ya know. At least you didn't pay full price for them and THEN ruin them. Just helping you see the brighter side of disaster. Is it working? =)

Daniel Whelan said...

Hey there, I live at East Wind. Glad you like the nut butters.

