Thursday, January 25, 2007

Excuse me much for that bushel of rudabaggies?

Howdy all - Well, there's a few thoughts running around in my head. Let's see, where to start. Well, since there's nothing really exciting going on, I guess I'll let you in on the mundane stuff. So, for awhile now, I've been kicking around the idea of going on this nasty strict candida albicans control diet. It's supposed to cure whatever's ailing ya and I have not been happy with my overall health lately. So I officially started this thing yesterday. Basically, if it's not an organic chicken or a vegetable, spit it out. It's been a lot of fun so far. I have never bought so many vegetables in my life. They all look so pretty and green in my fridge. Now I actually have to eat the junk. (I mean natural blessings of the earth) So if anyone happens to have recipes with those ingredients, I'd be happy to hear em. I just want to tell you about my soup making experience today. So I go to the organic meat place and the super friendly lady talks me into these things called soup bones. I basically bought them because they were the only really cheap thing in the store. She said you just throw them in a pot with all the veggies and the meat will miraculously fall off the bones and she gave me this spice and said it will all be so wonderful and tasty. What she failed to mention.... oh where would I start... Let's just say I boiled the life outta the stuff until the veggies were all barely recognizable mush and then the meat was finally starting to fall off the bones ... and it smells nasty. I don't even want to ever look at it again, let alone salvage and eat it. Part of the problem might have been that the soup bones were a solid frozen lump when I threw them in. But seriously - in boiling water, how long should it take? Okay, I'm done on that painful subject.

Completely and utterly unrelated - so here's a question for you. How often to you buy running shoes? (or walking or cross trainers as the case may be...) I'm just a bit curious because I was doing some math today and I think that I have purchased 3 pairs in the last approximately 7.5 years. I know someone else fairly well who purchases many many more than that. I'm just wondering which one of us is normal. (and I'm glad I can't hear all the smart alek remarks to that statement.)

Okay, one more thing. This I think you had to be there for (bad sentence, sorry) but it hit me pretty funny. So I work with the sweetest little lady and the other day we were in the computer lab working away and I look over and say "WHAT is that???" She looks very proud of herself and says "Don't you know?" I say "Is that an MP3 player? She sqeals with delight, complete with hands waiving in the air and everything. She says how much she luuuuvs it. I find it funny, but odd, since I know her and, well, techie would not really describe her - she finds e -mailing a stretch... so anyway, she said she can't really download yet, but has help with that. Then she says, as she pulls the earphones way back and squints, "the only bad thing is I can barely read the tiny letters on the earphones telling me which one goes where..." Oh man, did I get a kick out of that! You know you're too old for an MP3 player when.... So I got to look and tell her and I felt important to at least be associated with an MP3 player in some small way. It really was a cute little gadget. Okay, with that, she stopped typing and went to bed.


Anonymous said...

Whoopee - I'm the first one! : )

First off, more power to ya on that cleansing/diet thing. I'd probably die of starvation if I tried something like that...or I'd go broke first. Organic stuff ain't cheap.

Secondly, I am beginning to have to buy sneakers more often. I think it's due to my 4 miles/day. I bought a pair last January, and I am nearly through the bottom of the things. They were cheap Walmart ones of course.

Thirdly, the last sentence of your blog threw me for a little loop. It sounded as if the little sweet lady from work went to bed in your house.

Fourthly, I'm going to see Newsong, SCC, Jeremy Camp, Sanctus Real (gag), and Hawk Nelson (gag) in concert tonight. Most of it should be good. Oh yes, and it only costs $10. : )

Anonymous said...

I'm with Bethany...I thought that lady was sleeping over at your house. Or you were sleeping in the computer lab...

And, I'll send you a veggie recipe.

Robyn said...

I'll keep my eyes open for recipes. Can you pile layers of organic cheese on it and cook it until it turns yellow? I bought a pair of Nikes when I was 14 and replaced them with another pair of Nike Airs when I was...oh probably 24 or 25. (no joke) Buy good ones and they will last. But 11 years is a stretch.

rachelslab said...

11 years?!!! My goodness, I need to buy a new pair, usually Nikes, every year or else my feet suffer, as they are right now. But some of the jobs I've had, like waitressing, tend wear down shoes even before a bushel of rutabagas can be eaten, which in my estimation would also take about a year!

rachelslab said...

Btw, the above comment was written by Anna, not Rachel. She's sitting at Rachel's house and using her computer.

Jenni said...

you can keep the rutabgas! :-)

I bought my last pair of runners when we were in Three Hills. So that would be about 4 years ago. Maybe I should check the soles!

Anonymous said...

Well......not that I walk much (ha! ha!) but I replace mine sneakers at least once a year and often twice.

Heather said...

Okay, Rach, who's your friend that buys a lot more shoes than you? In case you're interested, I just gave three pairs away! (and I haven't bought any to replace them yet!)

Hey, do you want my spinach pizza recipe? I think I made it when you were here this summer.