Sunday, December 03, 2006


Why oh why can't I just have a normal, grown up brain? Why do cities have to be so confusing? Why does the interstate have a mind of it's own - why does IT get to decide where I drive and not me? Why can't I function in the normal world of adults? Why oh why oh why? Ohhhh my -- well, greetings from the city. Where to even start - I left this afternoon, and was sick to my stomach freaking out about getting here okay. You know the whole waterpark deal? Well, 2 things a) it doesn't just come with the room - you have to pay a bunch more money. Which isn't a huge loss because my limited involvement with waterslides only made me freak out a lot and pray for the rapture, and b) I remembered about an hour out of town that I forgot all my swimming gear, which is a huge loss because I do enjoy hot tubs and things of that nature (which on the other hand might not be a huge loss because as I passed it this evening it was full of teenage boys and was rather small - a bad combination.

So getting here was a nightmare. I made all my exits and and had actually arrived at the point where I could see my motel in the distance. But it was so confusing - how do people just know what road to take? The roads were terribly marked (as in not at all) and I was frantically trying to figure out which way to turn. I think I ended up just going straight and all of a sudden before I knew what hit me, I was being shot out onto the big main interstate again! And there was nothing I could do other than freak out - couldn't stop and turn around. WHY DO THEY DO THAT?? It's like they decide for you where you want to go and they never guess right with me! Oh man, I was what you would call FREAKING OUT!!! So I'm once again merging which is in my top 5 things I hate, despise, and loath in life. So I'm thinking I'm just going to stick to the right and get off as soon as I can and hope I don't end up in the heart of the city. So I drive and drive, exiting here and there, where ever I can, trying to find some type of town where I could just stinking PULL OFF!! (what a concept) Finally I ended up somewhere off the beaten path and pulled into this amazingly ritzy neighborhood. I was actually contemplating trying to find someone that I could just pay to drive me there and pay his taxi back or something. I knew I was done for - had no clue where I was and if I had to get back on the psycho by pass and by now it's dark... Anyway, I decided to call my big bro and see what he could do for me, beings as how he's so friendly close in Northern MN and all. So anyway, I gives him a call and was freaking out that my phone battery would go dead cause it was on it's way out and I couldn't find my charger. Well, in all the hullabaloo, I did find my charger (sorry for the excessive details...) and plugged her in and can I just say... HALLELUJAH for cell phones!!?! I don't know what in the world I would have done - there was no gas stations or anything like that where I was. So I called Sheldon and drove a bit further so he could figure out where I was. Then I had to go somewhere so I turned onto this road in the middle of no where and pulled of in the parking lot of some organic milk producing place. The area was really freaky though - all dark and lots of bush around, so I felt like getting out of there in a hurry. Well, Sheldon was able to sort of figure out where I was after while I did some more driving in order to locate a main street and that seemed to do it. Thank goodness that in all my aimless wandering around, I ended up pretty much a straight shot away from the motel. I didn't have to get back on the bypass or anything, which was very very nice. So my amazing and wonderful brother was able to guide me to the motel using my amazing and wonderful cell phone. I wanted to kiss the pavement when I finally found the place. I thought I might collapse into a heap and when I was driving the wrong direction I kept thinking that having a heard attack or passing out would be of no use to me right now so pull it together woman. So anyway, I finally made it here and they have computers which is really nice. = ) Don't have a lot of other things do to... and I'm pretty sure I will NOT be leaving this building since it's humanly impossible for me to get myself anywhere in one piece. So feel free to write, call, drop by... you know... = ) Well, sorry this tirade became so long. If I have put you to sleep, I apologize. Hope you all had a great Sunday and week. Oh, and has anyone else ever found themselves forced to enter a road they don't want to and unable to turn around, or is it just me? I dunno - it's sort of a way of life with me, but it might make me feel better to hear some of your stories if you have any... alright, goodnight.


Rhonda said...

i'm sorry. i don't have any really crazy stories about getting lost, and you know why? cause i just stay home. so in the end, i think you're the winner. much braver than me. of course, i guess your job may be at stake, eh? that would inspire bravery. :)

anyway, good thinking to call sheldon. and yes, cell phones are wonderful. (never thought i'd say that...)

Anonymous said...

I know that's happened to me before, but I don't think that thing of exiting forever has happened when I was driving. On my trip to OH with Eric and Ernie, we were running out of gas in the middle of Chicago late at night, and we had to exit and exit and exit until finally we were downtown somewhere, and it was kind of a scary area. That was also the trip where they didn't have a map until somewhere in southern Wisconsin when I oh-so-subtly convinced them that they really should get one. And after that hullaboo in Chicago-land, I think they were glad for the map to get ourselves back on the road again. Of course they never would've admitted that... : )

(I ended with an ellipsis because I want to be like Rhonda when I grow up.)

Robyn said...

2 summers ago when Kim and I drove straight through to Ohio (w/ 2 kids) it was the middle of the night, and I pulled off where I thought I was supposed to exit. Of course, I wasn't supposed to exit there, and I woke Kim up to help me figure out where to go. She was so sleepy and didn't have glasses on and she was NO help, except for giving me the sense to stop and think where I am and help me get back on the interstate (okay, so maybe she did help me). But we were both so tired nothing made sense. NOT FUN! I hate bypasses and ramps and merging too.

Sabrina said...

Yes, I've been lost -this comes from growing up in a town with one stop light!!! yeah for Sheldon! I once called my dad (who was in Cananda of course) on my cell phone because my car wouldn't start. I was completely freaking out because I was going to be late to an appointment to get my taxes done. After pouring out all my worries to my dad he calmly asked if the car was in park. :( :( God gives us these moments to help the ego of big brothers and dads!

Anonymous said...

I like the "my amazing and wonderful brother" part -- have a great time and yes you can give me a call when it's time to leave

Anonymous said...

Well I have a story. Do what Derek did when we missed our exit in down town Minneapolis. He literally stopped and backed up on the freeway until we reached our exit. And when the police pulled us over for doing this illegal stunt, he played dumb and innocently asked "what are you suppose to do when you miss your exit?" The cop bought it and Derek got away with no ticket! Crazy eh? I'm not sure if it could work again though, so I don't really recommend it.