Thursday, November 30, 2006

I don't really have much to say...

... but I thought I'd wander on here and say something since I was hanging out on line and stuff. Well, what's new... today the temperature has been plummeting and it has rained all day. I was so dumb and didn't wear a coat to work, so I was in and out quite a bit and pretty much froze solid till I got home. I'm now burning my tongue on hot chocolate... which I'm sure you were dying to know. The new job is going well. So far it's all been training. My eyes are going buggy from all the reading. I'm doing some training on CD and reading files and a policy manual the size of Texas. Next week I'm going to the big city for training and I'm really looking forward to it. Rumor has it the motel I'm staying at has an indoor waterpark. And I'm looking forward to training in the form of people talking. Today I went along on some home visits and I'll be doing that tomorrow as well. And everyone there is super nice so that makes things pleasant. ummm... I'm feeling a lack of inspiration right now. I'm really looking forward to this weekend because for the first time in awhile, nothing is really planned or going on and I don't have a huge list of stuff to get done. Just a small one - then I can sit and watch the snow fall. And turn on the TV and listen to the Americans talk for endless hours about the dreaded snow storm of the century that will have us all locked in our houses for days on end so make sure you buy a month's supply of water, prunes, beans, and trail mix at Walmart QUICK!!! (oh, what's that, it's only 3 inches? oh shoot, well, stay tuned for next time we think it might snow for more nonsense and cheap entertainment)


Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel, I am so glad to hear you are enjoying your job. That is great that the people are so nice. What's this about the snow storm? Am I missing something that is supposed to be coming? That would be awesome! At least we will have snow for Christmas in Red Lake:) What are you doing for Christmas?

rachelslab said...

Hi LaRonda! I think it's supposed to snow this weekend, but I just think it's funny that down here every time you get a bit of snow they act like it's the end of the world as we know it... But yeah, I'd like some snow right now. It would beat this freezing cold rain.

I don't know what I'm doing for Christmas, but it probably doesn't involve Red Lake, sadly. = ( I can't think about it too much without getting really sad. I can't believe you guys are all going to be there!

Rhonda said...

thank God for pleasant co-workers! and snow, too! :)

Anonymous said...

You're coming to Red Lake, LaRhonda!? Where are you all going to be? and for how long?

Rachel, my Mom says the same abouthe weather reports and snow storms. She's always quite dissapointed.

Jenni said...

Hey baby! I'd gladly send you some of our snow and cold! Don't worry, LaRonda, there will be enough left for you!

Glad the job is going well!!! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the weatherman promised that we'd get snow yesterday. All we got was wind (in Ohio?? go figure) and rain (see above remark). Hope you get some white stuff soon!

- Joy

Sabrina said...

Glad your job is going well. Weather reports, yes, well, they have to find something to say everyday! I heard a reporter once say that Mother Nature hadn't listened to his report for the day before -in other words he was wrong! Imagine that! We have a friend here that says he doesn't buy milk and bread before a storm, he buys chips and pop!