Monday, August 14, 2006

... A bit of news to report

Well, after much agony and deliberation and confusion and more agony, I now have an idea of what I'm doing, at least for the immediate future. I kept going back and forth trying to decide between staying here and taking this job or going back home. Round and round I'd go - as soon as I'd start feeling good about one place, I'd get these big huge doubts, so I'd lean towards the other one until I got big huge doubts about that. This was not fun. So finally yesterday, after still feeling very little direction and talking to Sheldon and Darla, I decided that if I was offered the job in Canada, I'd go there, and if I wasn't, then I'd take the job here. So I had peace about that decision for the most part. Especially last night, I just felt like I would be very okay with either place, so it was a win-win situation. So this morning I finally got through to the lady in Canadia, and I didn't get the job there. So, I guess I'm staying here for now. After all that, I feel really good about the decision and I'll be able to come home in October when everyone is there. So, soon I'll actually be employed full time for the first time in years. I'm quite looking forward to it actually, with a bit of nervousness as well.

Onto other important things - with a possible impending move, yesterday I was going through my room and trying to get rid of some things. Well, can I just say that there is a certain level of comfort in clothes that can only be attained after they've been worn at least 10 years. So I have this massive collection of hideously old shirts that I wear to bed. But then you know that phrase "been there, done that, got the T - shirt?" SO TRUE!! So I have piles of shirts from everything I've done the last while that in 10 years, if they were faithfully worn, would probably make great sleeping shirts, but right now they serve really no purpose. But I can't get rid of them, cause you know, memories. And I can't sleep in them, cause the 10 year old ones are so much more comfortable. All this adds up to way too many shirts! I have this beloved sleeping shirt - not sure when I got it exactly, but I know I wore it on my 16th birthday. So I'm trying to pull myself away, get rid of that one, and sleep in the new, uncomfortable ones... oh the sadness of it all! I feel as though my identity is gone without that shirt, it's been with me for so long! Then there's the one that Helen gave me for my probably 15th birthday that says "don't send a man to do a woman's job - girls kick butt." Some of you might remember. It's become somewhat of a legend. Okay, maybe not, but anyway, I'm really struggling to pull myself away...


Anonymous said...

So glad you know what you'll be doing job-wise!

I had stacks of t-shirts too...all I use them for is to sleep in...could have had a different one every night of the month!

If you have extra time, beloved t-shirts can make a great quilt, 12-14 inch blocks sewn together, buy a fleece for backing, tie with yarn, presto! We actually have two of these at our house...

- joy

Rhonda said...

hey, i'm so glad you feel good about your decision! have fun with the new job!!

Anonymous said...

I too struggle from this malady. I wear big holes in the armpits after a few years so I've managed to reduce one to rags in my lifetime, and the one I'm using now is quickly heading that direction. Of course, I've got a large arsenal to keep me going for awhile - hmm...30 or so probably?

I have learned one lesson - quit buying the t-shirts. Therefore I can proudly say that I've only acquired about 3 new t-shirts in the past 4 years.

By the way, Tim and LaRonda are leaving on Saturday morning so...

Sabrina said...

congrats on the job!!! T-Shirts...hmmm, yes, I've been there. Most of the T-shirts I have were xxxxxL because I worked in the office for a company that made fake rock ( and therefore worked with construction workers and I guess they figured everyone in the construction business was xxxxxxxxL. Anyway, used to sleep in these (actually the RBI choral t-shirts were my favorites), but then I got married and I moved on to other less comfortable things...then I got pregnant and brought out the old t's, then brough out Jeremy's old t's when I got too big for mine. Now I'm not prego anymore so I've retired them again. However, there are still a few that I just can't part with. :( I love Joy's idea, I think you should make a quilt! then you can explain each t-shirt to your grandkids. What a great conversation starter!!

rachelslab said...

That's a great idea Joy! I might take some out of the get rid of pile and cut some squares instead! Then in 40 years might get around to making the quilt. I had no idea you were such a paragon of womanhood, making quilts and all.

Jenni said...

Hey, Joy gets my vote and dog-gone-it, why didn't you take the sewing machine back with you?!? And I think you and Bethany need therapy. :-)

Melissa said...

Hey Rach,
Glad to hear about the job situation and that you are feeling at peace about it, but I'm sad that you are not moving closer :(

Lots of things you could do with your beloved shirts - donate, trash (probably not a good option), tshirt stand on the corner of main and 1st (hehe), I'm out of ideas. You'll feel a little less of your load by getting rid of some stuff. I was in the same boat even after I got married - not wanting to part with my beloved stuff :) Hope it goes okay.

Anonymous said...

I am puzzled as to why I need therapy, dear Jenni. It seems to me that most of these other ladies (married or single) like their old t-shirts pretty well too!

Jenni said...

Okay, maybe more than just you and Rachel. sorry to single you out. Maybe I do too. :-)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog but didn't read your post.

Robyn said...

I'm glad things are getting sorted out for you. Wow. And I thought I liked old clothes...

rachelslab said...

hey Merv - uh, THANKS! and Joy - you need to come visit me and help me make one of those. I forgot to mention that part of the deal. Hey robyn - remember my 16th surprise birthday party when you and I walked home from church together and then everyone was at my house? That was the one where I was wearing the shirt I still wear to bed... = P

Sabrina said...

"Paragon of Womanhood" I think that was a compliment Joy! Rachel, such big words get my little brain all confused! :)

Anonymous said...

"Paragon of Womanhood"....not so sure about that one! My mom made sure I could sew, and I made a hideous outfit for ACE Convention every year. :) Remember the dresses with HUGE puffy sleeves and Ultra-Wide white collars....


Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say that i'm glad you'll still be in the same general vicinity as me. maybe you could actually come visit me?? what's that? i should visit you? now rachel, come over and we'll discuss it in person. i'll give you a free t shirt...

rachelslab said...

I'm working on it Karla

Sabrina said...

First of all, wow, 17 comments for one post. How DO you do it? Joy, I remember those outfits so well it's almost scary!!