Tuesday, March 29, 2011

teeny tiny post

  • Aleah has been sick since Wednesday. I think overall she's starting to feel better but still is snotty and grumpy. very grumpy. And it's hard to know what's sickness and what's teeth these days. fun. And Dave and I are both flirting with the idea of getting sick too, but so far haven't taken the all out plunge. May it henceforth remain so.
  • Sunday was quite the day - in the morning, Aleah was playing in our room getting books out of a crate. Suddenly she was attacked in the face by a falling (rather heavy) journal with sharp corners. Screaming commenced. About 2 minutes later she was playing with a little folding purse mirror (to distract her from the pain in her face) and was looking shocked and distressed. Here she was pinching her little fleshy finger flab between the 2 parts of the mirror - hard. There was a nice pinch mark. More screaming commenced. Later, Dave dumped a bowl of soup on the living room carpet floor (I cleaned it up). Even later, I dropped a jar of jam on the kitchen floor, which promptly shattered (he cleaned it up). Whew! But somewhere in there I got to talk to a friend for a long long time on the phone which was really nice and also in the evening we stopped by the annual church crawfish boil and it was nice to get out of the house.
  • It is so crazy easy to steal stuff from Walmart! Twice now I've done it without trying. Yesterday I ran to Walmart to grab some things we needed and picked up some kitchen gadgets. One was a pastry brush. When I got to my car, that thing had slipped between my purse and the cart seat back thing. ARG! I dutifully went back and paid for it. That's twice now. Think if I actually tried to shoplift. oh the money making potential.
  • I get to see Bethany G. tomorrow! For a bit, then she comes to visit over the weekend! Hopefully all the illness will be gone from this place by then. Can't wait to hang out with her!! I think that's all for now.


Bethany said...

I'm coming to see YOU tomorrow!!! Yippee, skippy and all that. The rest of you folks can just be JEALOUS... hahahaha.

Rhonda said...

i applaud your honest ways, and i rejoice with you that every day is not like the soup and jam dropping, baby injuring day.

my word verification is BOOTY. :)

Jeremy and Sabrina said...

Have a great time with Bethany! Maybe you should tie pillows around her or something. Doesn't sound safe in your house. :) Thanks for posting!

Soo said...

Wow, that was more of a heckuva day than I thought! Glad you survived it! Blah. Hope you never have a repeat of THAT one!