Saturday, November 06, 2010

a few words

- It's sleepy in here. It's my own fault of course - keep staying up way too late.

- We're planning on going to Pensacola in a week to see Derek and Elise and whoever else happens to be around. I'm looking forward to that a lot, although it looks like it might rain most of the time.

- Speaking of weather, it's 35 out this morning. Definitely the coldest we've seen so far this year. But then it always warms up a lot throughout the day. Last night we did some running around and it was sort of chilly but nothing that I would call even remotely cold. I stuck a hat on Aleah but felt sorta silly and wondered if was overkill. Then we went out and I saw a lot of kids wearing winter parkas. Cracked me up, I tell you (it was probably mid-upper 50's, which feels really cold to the natives I guess, which is understandable).

- Life feels really busy right now, although most of it is Dave's business and not mine. Not that I'm not busy, but sorting through sock drawers seems rather trivial compared to what he's busy with. Everything happens to be due or need doing this semester so it seems a little nuts. For instance, he only has to teach half time this year in order to have more time to apply for jobs. However, the way it's divided is he has to teach this semester, but not next semester. Which is odd because all the jobs need to be applied for before next semester. Hello! So he's teaching, taking a class, writing his dissertation, and applying for jobs all this semester. Next semester he should just have to finish the dissertation. Speaking of jobs, it looks like there are quite a few out there. You can pray for if you think about it, that the right one opens up and that he applies to the right places. thanks. = )

- Awhile ago I answered an ad on Craigslist for winter clothes for Aleah. The lady wasn't asking much for what she had and I asked if I could look through and take what I wanted. That way it would be even less. She said sure so we met up and I took a bunch of stuff and then looked at her as if to say, how much do you want? She said, just take it all, I don't want anything for it. I just want it taken of my hands! WHAT? Among the goods was a pair of Nike tennis shoes that people try to get 20 - 30 bucks for at times I've noticed, a great Louisiana winter coat, and a bunch of other stuff. So gracious of her. That's the second time I've gotten a bunch of stuff like that totally free off Craigslist.

- I think I mentioned awhile back that Dave and I are going through the Dave Ramsey course. Someone at church told us about the website I'd encourage all you nerds out there to check it out. It really is amazing. It's a very legit site that plugs into your online banking and keeps track of all your spending and budget categories, and there's tons of neat stuff you can do on it. You can look up previous months and see what you've spent on each category, a possibly nauseating experience, but a great tool to have. Dave Ramsey insists that the best way to do your budget is with the envelope system, with envelopes with cash inside for each of the various categories. I totally understand why he says this is best, but given our propensity towards muggings, losing our purses, and things of that nature, there's no way in God's green earth we're walking around the city with a stack of envelopes stuffed with cash anywhere on our person. No thanks. Plus, I know this is way silly on my part, but cash sorta grosses me out. I'm not a germaphobe, I promise. But when I use my cash card, that's all I have to touch and I'm usually the only one to have to touch it. With cash, I shudder to think where all that stuff has been. gross. Anyway, all that to say that if you want to keep using your debit card instead of cash, the website will be a great help in keeping track of things.

- Another thing you might be interested in. possibly, I don't know. But check out It's a little ditty where you tell them where you grocery shop, and they'll send you a grocery list, menu's, directions, and all for the week. They shop according the sales at the place you shop, so it's supposed to save you a lot of money and time. I haven't signed up yet (it's 5 bucks a month) but a friend gave me some her recipes from that site so I can try it out.

- If you feel like it, you can vote for Aleah in this little contest and help us win a video camera. = ) Gerber has a contest where you can enter a photo a month and the photo with the most votes in each category wins a video camera. So it's all based on votes and not judging until the end when they pick a winner. Anyway, here's the site. You just have to search for her and then click vote - pretty straight forward. You can even vote every day for the month of November if you want. haha. But you don't want. Anyway, if any of my friends or family put their kids on there, I'll do my best to help you win a video camera. = )

- We finally have used up the industrial sized vat of vegetable oil that hubs bought several, oh, decades ago. This is exciting news people! One time when he went to the store, veg. oil was on the list so he came home with it. I looked at it and was aghast. and questioning. He said, hello! It was the best deal so of course he got it. I says, I know dear, but we live in a small apartment, not a warehouse! What am I supposed to do with this thing thing? Well, it has been the literal white elephant in the pantry for quite sometime. SO happy to say it's finally GONE and I left that item off any list of his and bought and nice small one recently and sometimes I just have to stare at it's beautiful petiteness.

- Speaking of the pantry, it's all organized and beautiful looking, with a place for everything and everything in it's place. Finally. Now on to our bedroom. ugh. Well, I feel as though most of this has been really boring so I'll go now. Happy weekend!


Bethany said...

That's so cool how God blessed you with the clothes!! And I'm glad for both you and Dave that this semester is only a month longer. You need to tell me sometime where he's applying - unless you're hoping for people/your friends to not be campaigning and asking you about it ALL the time. We'd all be kind of prone to fight over you, I think. Oh please, Lord, let it be within driving distance of central Ohio. Even 7 or 8 hours would be fine. ; )

Glenda said...

Rachel, you always make me chuckle with your writings. I love reading them! =) That is so neat about the clothes! Way to use up all that oil. =) I could use a big jug like that up here. And bravo on getting your pantry cleaned. Want to come tackle my house next?

Rhonda said...

i was here and i did enjoy the news and i am going to go vote. :)

Rhonda said...

um, i cannot vote because i am not a resident of the USA. (just like Pandora and Hulu....sigh.)

rachelslab said...

Gracious, what does the internet have against Canada anyway??

Jenni said...

thanks for writing! I have to say I was skeptical about your title, and I was right. :-) But I like your words! I was going to vote often, but I suppose I can't either. Wait, maybe I can while I'm here at Sheldons?? I'll try. and I want to know where the jobs are too! I'll fight with Bethany over you! :-D

Sabrina said...

There is a little town close to us called Shippensburg and they have a university called Shippensbrug University -wouldn't like to move there???!!!! :) I'm on my way to vote.

Robyn said...

Okay, I guess I won't bother voting! But this was a very interesting post! I am super excited to potentially be seeing you in a few weeks??? Let me know when you will be in RL!