Saturday, August 14, 2010


I think I stole that original title from my sis in law. I have a zillion fun photos that I could post but it would take to long and I'm too tired for such silliness tonight. I could maybe eek out a few words though.

** We just got back last evening after being gone for almost 2 weeks. We had a grand ol time of seeing bunches of people. We flew to Iowa. I shall comment later on the joys of flying with an infant. We were with Dave's family for awhile and then drove up to Blue Lake in beautiful Northwestern Ontario and surprised my family who were camping over the weekend. I couldn't believe that we actually pulled it off and no one suspected a thing. My oldest brother knew we were coming and helped make arrangements but everyone else was clueless until we stepped off the ginormous bus/motor home that Sheldon had borrowed. My sister screamed very loudly and had a tissy fit and that was very very fun. The weather was absolutely gorgeous all weekend and we got to swim and hang out. Aleah was truly a happy camper - she did great the whole time. She wasn't terribly impressed with the bus ride from Sheldon's house to the camp ground. It was rather bouncy and not so easy to sleep. We ended up back in Iowa and spent the rest of the week there. Dave's grandparents had come to visit and his one aunt and uncle were there for one evening/night as well. I also got to see some of my friends - Karla N., Twila and LaRonda, and Glenda. Good times. It was also great to get back to our little place and our bed. Last night I slept almost 11 hours with one feeding break in there. I think it's the most I've slept in one stretch since small offspring was born.

** I thought flying with baby deserved it's own paragraph. I decided that the experience is similar to labour - so awful in the moment that you swear you will never ever do it again, but then over time the trauma fades and most people still end up going back for more. I shall try to be brief. I could go on and on, but um, anyway... Aleah does not like airplanes. Or airports. Or spending long days in both. i yie yie. The trip there was definitely the worst. We had been up til 2 the night before getting ready to go so I was exhausted. Small child was not impressed with the whole ordeal and really likes to have things a particular way (namely perfect, preferably sitting on our couch with the fan blowing and classical music playing in the background, dim lighting, etc, etc... I slightly exaggerate, but not much) if she is truly going to nurse well. She was already overtired by the time we got through security and was also hungry. However, sitting in an airport to eat did not suit her fancy (if she would for once think about things from someone else's perspective, mine in this case, she would realize that she really has the much better end of the deal so she should just eat and go to sleep). So she was overtired, wouldn't eat, and wouldn't sleep. She took a little cat nap till we got on the plane, and when she woke up, was not at all impressed to be there. She cried on and off the whole flight and I was fried just trying to take care of her and not lose my mind. Now it doesn't seem as bad, but in the moment, I was so exhausted, hungry (didn't eat most of the day - no time), thirsty (couldn't really drink and hold and wiggly, screaming baby) and yeah, felt like I might have a nervous breakdown on the spot. At one point Dave asked for a coke when the lady came by with offers of beverage. I should (or maybe shouldn't) mention that the whole experience did not contribute much toward marital bliss. I can mention it since it seems a bit funny now, but at the time, not so much. I was some sorta ticked off at him for thinking that he could somehow enjoy a lovely little coke under such circumstances. While he's trying to rearrange things, be helpful in regards to the screaming child and all, he ended up spilling coke down the front of himself. I'm not sure if I said I told you so or not, but anyway... arg. We finally got off that plane and it had gotten in a little late. We didn't have much time at all to make the next flight the way it was, but with the plane being late, we were really in a pinch. We got off and scurried for the gate. Dave took off ahead of me with the stroller and I was fuming once again. I later asked, what were you going to do, leave me behind? No, he said, I was going to tell them to wait for my wife who was coming momentarily. Oh, so that made a bit more sense. We got on the next plane and I apologized in advance to those sitting near us. They were all so nice and thought Aleah was a sweetheart, which helped. Once again, she was mad and wouldn't eat, but on this flight, she passed out, due to sheer exhaustion and slept a good long time. When she woke up she finally ate some and then was only moderately cranky as opposed to fuming mad. But she took this lovely opportunity to have the blow out of the century and had poop ALL OVER - through her clothes and blanket. And it was smelly. We were close enough to landing that we just waited and I changed her at the airport. While we were walking away I heard some people behind us talking about her and her diaper situation. WHEW! Survived that. Can't say I have the desire to fly again with her any time soon though. On the way home, she did better, but was still not impressed at all with the whole thing. At one point I was trying to give her gripe water and the syringe thingy was being a jerk and it shot a whole bunch in her mouth really suddenly. She freaked out and choked and for the next couple minutes or so, her eyes would get huge, she'd flail her arms back, and scream. Then she'd relax a bit, then do it again. It was absolutely awful and I felt terrible. She also had another major blow out but there was time to change her in the airport between flights. Okay, so that's flying with baby. I can't imagine going on a really really long trip like some (Rhonda!) have done with babies. How in the world?!? Incidentally, she likes her car seat and did great riding in the car for long periods of time. Of course we would leave crazy early so she would just sleep most of the way.

** In other news, we got a brand new mac book pro today. Dave's school is paying for him to get a new computer which is so amazingly wonderful. We still have the old clunker that one of Dave's computer friends at school loaned/gave us, so now Dave and I can chat with either other online without even leaving the apartment. How cool is that? Sadly, I'm on the old clunker right now while Dave plays with the new toy. It's okay though cause he's uploading all our pictures. I hope it's faster to resize pictures on there for blogging purposes.

Aleah is 3 months old today and almost 15 pounds. She's getting so huge. Tonight we all went to get the computer and it took longer than I was expecting. She was so tired and hungry and falling asleep in the car on the way home. But she still managed to smile for her 3 month sitting on the couch picture. good girl. She is still not on a great schedule. She always sleeps through the night, but if she hasn't taken good naps during the day, she's just started going to sleep crazy early - like 7 - 7:45, and staying asleep for the night. And then she'll often sleep till 10 in the morning. She'll eat in there, but not really wake up sometimes. Anyway, this is probably boring to most people who are not, well, me... so...

** I'm practically falling asleep at the computer so I should go. I was away for awhile while Dave showed be cool photo thingies on the new computer. I should like to post pictures soon but I don't know when I'll get around to it. Monday I start babysitting another little cutie who is 4 days younger than Aleah. I don't think I'll have time to blow my nose on those days. I'll have her 3 days a week.

** Oh, I wanted to add that it was utterly hilarious tonight to see a bunch of skinny, college age looking, male, mac salesmen, going all gaga over Aleah in the store tonight. I don't know why I added skinny, other than maybe one looked practically anorexic so it stood out in my mind. Anyway, they sure wanted to make a sale I believe. I'm sure you had to be there and actually see them and hear their tone of voice and all, but it just cracked me up. We were standing there talking to a guy for a bit and then he glanced in the stroller and said, "Ohhhh, shaaaaaaat! no way! Those EYES!" Then his buddy looked too and it was this skinny punk looking guy and he says, "Oh, come on!" They were just totally in awe of her. It was so stinkin funny. But you probably had to be there. shat? really? I guess.

** Well, I believe the time has come for me to go. If you're still reading, congrats. Hope you're all having a great weekend. And hopefully all the red lake church camp outers are surviving the torrential downpours. = )


shaunjoy said...

Ah, yes...flying with infants. Only for the brave. Elena's first airplane ride was pretty much the same; diaper blow-out and all. One of the worst parts is that you have a zillion baby bags along and barely enough room for your legs, let alone all the extra junk.

Other than the yelly parts, sounds like a good trip!

Rhonda said...

yay for good trips and family and surprising people. not so yay for crying babies and blowouts in airports. (that has happened to me at least 3 times, so maybe it's something about airports and flying??) yay for chubby babies and new computers. and yay for all the pictures that i know will come soon. :) :)

Sabrina said...

I've never flown with any of our children,I'll think twice before I plan anything. :)

Bethany said...

I'm glad to hear that going home went somewhat better. : ) The Red Lake camper-outers weren't the only ones who got wet - we had a mega downpour yesterday afternoon for an hour & a half and discovered that both tents (Myron & Rhelda's and mine) were in a serious flood zone. :( Fun times dashing about in the rain, trying to salvage what wasn't already wet and dragging our tents onto the blacktop driveway. Fun, fond memories now that it's over, dried & cleaned up, & put away!

Jenni said...

1. Call me for a tutorial on re-sizing photos. I had to ask Derek, but once I knew how, it was easy.

2. Are you sure he was saying "shat"? Maybe it was the southern accent?

3. church camp-out was soggy and i'm very glad to be done camping for the year. :-)

mathfridge said...

He definitely said the word shat. It's on as the past tense version of the other word.

Yes we are excited about the computer. The thing is I have been brining it into to work this week so Rachel's time with it has been rather minimal. =( However it came with a free Ipod touch, which Rachel has been enjoying.