Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Little Miss Aleah

So, I've had grand notions of faithfully updating my blog and putting pictures on it frequently of Aleah and life around here. Well, Dave was taking care of the picture department on FB (does anyone read this who isn't on FB? Joy? Anyone else? = ) So that unmotivated me somewhat. Plus, life sort of has a way of slapping you upside the head at times, becoming parents probably being one of those times. Yes, life has seemed totally nutty. Talk about a major lifestyle adjustment. Someone told me that having kids was a bigger adjustment than getting married. I think I'd have to agree. I'm sure marriage is a bigger relational adjustment, but Dave and I still had our carefree do whatever we feel like whenever we feel like it lifestyle (mostly - I mean, we were still responsible adults and had jobs and things like that. But if we felt like being gone all day or going out late or what have you, we could do those things). Now it's all about watching the clock and racing home in time for feedings and exhaustion and things of that nature. But she is a total sweetheart and we wouldn't trade her for anything. Dave is happy that she started smiling at him instead of saving them all for good ol' mom. She's sleeping really well - has even been going 6 hours between feedings at night without any problem. And since weight gain isn't even remotely an issue, the doctor told me I could let her go as long as she wants. I can't believe how huge she's getting. Even looking at these pictures there's a big difference between the first ones, taken about a week and a half ago, and the last ones, taken today. She's getting so chunky and losing that newborn look. She has some frustration with eating (although she clearly gets enough) - she'll get mad at times when trying to eat, and she also chokes/coughs/barfs a lot. I suspect from things I've heard/read that she might have a bit of reflux, but don't know for sure. It doesn't usually make her fussy, whatever it is, except when eating or right after she's eaten. Anyway, I guess it's been a little while since there's been new pics on FB and certain people were getting impa... I mean really wanted to see pictures of their new niece, so here ya go! = ) OF course I have to go overboard and post a million and most of them aren't that great. We've had a hard time getting really good pictures of her lately. arg. She'll be looking so adorable and I snap the picture and viola - instant alien. Oh well, some are cute. enjoy.

She loves her swing. At first she didn't like it - she had no head control at all and looked so uncomfortable in it. So we put it away for a while. Now she loves it and it puts her to sleep and keeps her asleep quite well. Hopefully she's not becoming addicted to it. I hate to think that at 12 years old she'll have to sleep in the living room in a swing while listening to Avalon.
Ack - that last feeding between 10:30 - 11:30 is totally killer. I almost think it's worse than getting up at 4 sometimes. Both of us are always so tired.

Nice spit bubbles.

Mom and Dad getting her to crack up. She still has so many smiles. It's great! And it's really hard to get them on camera. (check out the dimples)
And if her eyes look creepy on these pics, it's because I got rid of the red eye with the black marker thingy.

Another smile.

I tried and tried today to get some nice looking pictures for her announcement, but none of them turned out that great. They're cute, but not birth announcement worthy, in my humble opinion. I have a lot of trouble with the flash/lighting and getting pictures to look right. Anyway.... I should get moving. Hope you're all having a cheery day!


Kari said...

She is so cute! I'm glad she's doing so well. :-)

shaunjoy said...

I know, I know...I'm in my own little non-fb world. :} Goodness, you've got yourself a complete cutie pie there! Thanks for sharing all the pics of gorgeous Miss Aleah. (I really like her name too, in case I didn't say that already.)

Steph said...

What a cutie!

Sabrina said...

Thanks for posting! She is a VERY beautiful little girl. Does she look a little like Hannah? No, life is never the same once you become a parent, but things do settle down and you get into a new groove so to speak. I'm glad she's doing well for you. Keep us updated!

Jenni said...

Wow, thanks for all the pics! She's still so cute and sweet! I love the brown heart shirt. Is she wearing a skirt with it?? And I love, love the smiles. Sigh. I want to hold her!

Rhonda said...

hooray! you did it! ;)

i like all of those pictures, but i think you could use the 3rd one from the bottom for an announcement. so cute.

and again, that is some impressive chub. :) good job.

kristi said...

She is getting so big! Awesome!! And she is absolutely adorable -- love her smile!

Betty said...

I too loved all the pics! keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I also am not on facebook so it's nice to see the pictures. She is sooooo cute, I can't wait to meet her in person.
You look great!


Anonymous said...

Rachel - keep posting! I don't leave comments usually but I love keeping up with your life on your blog...and I'm not on FB. Congrats to you and Dave on little Aleah - your little Miracle from Above. Enjoy the moments - she'll grow fast! Blessings from North Africa!
- Rhonda

Kendra said...

I think a number of these would make fine announcement photos. She looks like a sweetie! And in case I don't get back on here before Sunday, a happy birthday in advance to you.

Vicki Esh said...

So sweet! I'm so glad you posted all these pics, she is darling!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rachel.... I remember so well how I majorly began to appreciate my mother more after I had a baby. Had I been this much trouble? Had she loved me THIS MUCH??

Robyn said...

She has changed so much already! But wow, still that Slaubaugh look!!! So sweet. She really reminds me of Caitlyn's baby pics or maybe Hannah? Anyway, I hope YOU are doing well too. :-) Thanks for the update.

LaRonda said...

Adorable pictures! I have to agree with Robyn, she is Slaubaugh all the way. What a cutie! I hope you are doing well.

Karla said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! Thanks for all the pictures! And happy birthday too...I hope you're enjoying it!

rachelslab said...

Jenni - she got a little brown skirt in the mail the other day - I was just a little too excited about that. = )

Robyn and LaRonda - I can't believe you think she looks like a Slaubaugh. You should see her compared to Dave's baby pictures. I do see a couple of my nieces in her (mostly Caitlyn and Alicia) but not much of me at all. Except she does have a birth mark over her left knee, just like mommy. = )