Thursday, April 22, 2010

The plantation that Bethany, Cari, and I went to. It didn't have the roaming turkey effect that the one we went to with Sheldon and Sara had, but it was SO BEAUTIFUL!!
I couldn't decide which pictures to post they were just all so pretty! Oh, and these are Bethany's pics, not mind. I no longer believe in taking pictures when I have guests, I just copy their to my computer. sneeky...

The house that we toured. Our tour guide was a total grouch - probably the most grouchy of the 4 (I believe) plantations I've toured so far. But it was still fun.

And now, to completely switch gears... well, my sister is coming the 19th of May. And we're (or she, probably more accurately) going to sew for the nursery! So for all the crafty little ladies out there, this is most likely the fabric. What do you think? = ) I shall tell you my personal opionion - I love the red and the yello/orangy one. I wanted a blue that was more aqua but this is about the best I found. The shapes look pretty aqua, but I hope the background color doesn't look too boysih. I think the green is pretty, Jenni wondered if it's too light for the other colors. What I wanted was a bright, limey green, but that's the best I can find at this point. Sorry if I'm boring you to tears. Anyway, we have some fun stuff planned and I can't wait to show you when it's done!
Arg - I never know - do you write about the picture above the picture or below it? Well, I guess I'm writing above the pics for now. Here's an absolutely unflattering whale like pic for you to laugh at - 37 weeks.

So, when Bethany was here we got to talking about teaching babies to read and teaching them sign language and such. We were thinking more along the lines of things like "please" "thank you" "all done" and "more." Dave thought it sounded crazy to teach a baby sign language and told us that this -
is the sign for WOW. And wouldn't it be cool to teach a little baby THAT? Maybe you had to be there, but we laughed and laughed at the thougt of a sweet little 8 month old making this sign every time he was impressed with something. We just might try it out!
Lastly, yeah, I chopped my hair off. I'm not fishing for compliments, honestly. I knew I wasn't going to get it cut again for ages, so I went short, well, short for me, not short by most people's standards. haha. Anyway. I really like the length, but it just looks really "choppy" to me - like you can see every little cut. I had trouble getting a picture that acurately represents what it really looks like, so anyhoo, here's my best tries. Feel free to say, yes, it does look choppy. I won't be in the least offended!
Thus, our picture tour draweth to a close. Happy Thursday everyone! = )


Megan said...

Okay, I got a laugh too at the "Wow" sign language :) You're getting so close to the end of your pregnancy already. Hope the delivery goes well, and of course I can't wait to see pictures! :)

LaRonda said...

Wow! Great pictures. That plantation is beautiful, the flowers and trees are gorgeous! Sounds like you guys had fun.

I can hardly believe that maybe the next entry will be an ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

You are looking good. Great idea to get your hair shorter now :) It looks good!

lisa said...

I totally love your hair!! I can't wait to hear that you've had this little will be so much fun to love and to hold! and really...the labor isn't so bad...and you'll always have a crazy story to tell about it! Sign language is the greatest...they are so stinkin' cute when they learn it and do it!!

Robyn said...

Great hair! I can see what you mean about it looking choppy but I like it that way. Can't wait to hear baby news...Oh, btw, the material is nice. I don't think the green is too pale, just in case my opinion is worth anything. I'm not crafty-crafty though so maybe don't trust me :-)