Saturday, November 28, 2009

nun good titles

Well, I was going to try to post some pictures, but can I just say I've had it with the digital age? I want to go back to good ole film and negatives I think. We have had nothing but headaches with pictures lately - can't find the files, then today I was looking through my camera to see what was on there to post and for some reason, when I try to look at a bunch of the pictures, they are all distorted and it says "Corrupted data." WHAT? So I don't really want to stick that memory card in our computer until I know what's up with that. So, no pictures I guess.

I'm sort of on the computer killing time because I don't feel like doing all the things I should be doing. Like laundry and unpacking and sorting and such. I'm having a little freak out session over what all needs to be done in the next 2 weeks. I was sort of thinking in the back of my faulty brain, that we have 3 weeks until we leave. Nope, yesterday I figured out that we leave 2 weeks from today. How is that possible. Should I mention we haven't even started Christmas shopping? ha. And there's a pile of things that I've been hoping to get done with Dave's help, such as sorting out our guest room and moving stuff around and hanging pictures in the living room, etc. etc. Not to mention shopping... but today I realize exactly how much school work he really has to get done in the next little while. So I'm thinking I'm on my own for awhile. Anyway, this all sounds really boring to me, not sure how it sounds to you.

The trip up north for my niece Alicia's wedding was a lot of fun and I'm so glad I was able to be there. I should have made myself go to bed earlier on occasion, but when there's a party goin on, I can't stand to miss it. I indented to take lots of pictures, but failed miserably. = ( It was great to see family that I haven't seen in ages - the little people changed so much. And I got to meet my 7 month old nephew who is sweet beyond words. I came back Tuesday evening and it was fabulous to see Dave again. On the way home from the airport, we stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel. My lesson learned - when your head is telling you you really should order a salad, but your tummy is lusting after the buttermilk biscuits and best mac and cheese in the world, listen to your mind and not your tummy!! Oh my. I didn't even eat that much of the food, but it did NOT agree with me at all. Overall I've had a lot less nausea but I'm finding that I have very little tolerance for exceptionally "heavy" food. And I can't eat very much at all in one setting. Anyway, I survived. = P I had the rest of the week off and also have some days off this next week which has been SO nice and relaxing. Good for the sanity, bad for the pocketbook you could say. I guess I haven't had any real vacation time other than days I was sick, since summer, so it's been nice - I've actually done some things like, um, what's that called again, oh yeah, cooking. strange. My nasty cough has gotten a lot better and the chest pain has been very gradually getting better. Now it's down to one small spot and doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did. What else can I bore you with - little tater tot has graduated to turnip status and is developing sweat glands. Time is going so much faster now, esp. with the holidays and time off and traveling. Well, I guess I should go get some things done. Thanks for letting me procrastinate a little longer.


Jenni said...

I'm excited to see you HERE soon! :-) Shall I help you with your Christmas shopping by telling you what I want for Christmas?? -)

Bethany said...

It just occurred to me that you'll get to see your family TWICE within a very short amount of time - how awesome is that! And I am so glad to hear that you're feeling better!

rachelslab said...

Update - Dave and I went out last night to start Christmas shopping. We came home with pants for him and a mattress for us! Yeay! No Christmas gifts of course, but we got some good ideas. Jenni, please send me your list.

rhonda said...

did you have to talk about cracker barrel?? droooool......


Heather said...

I know! I got to Olive Garden while I was in the States, but I really wanted to go to Applebees such luck.

mathfridge said...

mental note: When Matthew and Rhonda come to Baton Rouge, go the Cracker Barrel; When Heather comes to Baton Rouge, go to Applebees. =)

rhonda said...

Dave, i like the way you think. :)

iris said...

I happy for you to eat some of our yummy candy. And even happier that it will be out of Jenni's share and not mine. =) JUST KIDDING!!!

Christina (Circle) Gavenda said...

SO, you might not know who this is... once upon a time you took me home with you to the frigid north, I was a little freshman and you befriended me... anyways, I could never think of your last name so I never looked for you online and then as I was making lattes this evening I thought of you and decided that it couldn't be so difficult to find you, how many Rachel's from Red Lake are there? Indeed it was easy :)
So hello!

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