Friday, August 21, 2009

hum de dum...

A random assortment of thoughts and happenings as of late:

-- Today is Dave's last week day before school starts. So I thought today might be a nice day for him to accompany the kids and I to the zoo. How fun it would be. It seemed as though it wouldn't be as scorching hot today as some days are in Aug. And the forecast was calling for rain mostly in the afternoon. So off we plod. At first it seemed so nice and shady with a little breeze. Within an hour, we were so miserably hot I just wanted to get out of there. There was little shade and it was unbearably humid. Oh my. The sweat that was produced. Then it sprinkled a little. Then as we were wrapping it up and heading back to the entrance, the skies opened up and water gushed forth. Not only that but it was thundering like I have heard few times in my life. It was so loud it was insane! There was no where we could go to get out of it so we just had to walk. I was pushing a stroller with one kid and Dave was carrying another who was understandably crying. We finally made it to cover, and were so soaking it was as if we had just gone swimming with our clothes on. Now what to do? Eventually it let up and we ate in the back of the vehicle (well, the small people did) and headed for home. totally soaked and exhausted. When we arrived at their place, the power had gone out and the elevator wasn't working. The 2 year old was sound asleep (in a stroller) and it's a lengthy walk to get to their place on the FOURTH FLOOR. ARG! So Dave and I ended up carrying the stroller up all 900 flights of stairs to avoid disrupting her precious little sleep. I spose it doesn't sound as grand after the fact, but I came home and slept a long time. What a crazy day.

-- Tonight Dave and I went out and about (after the lengthy sleep) and were cruising down the multi-lane road, (in the dark) when all of a sudden out of NOWHERE, there's this big, orange cone right in the middle of our lane. He slams on the breaks, stops very close to the thing, and here's the best part, has his hand on the horn and is about a nanosecond away from HONKING AT THE CONE. I just stared at him, and was like, yeah, honk at it, that'll help. poor Dave. Then it all struck me so funny that I laughed my brains out for the next very long time. I think he's starting to see the humor in the situation. The cone out of nowhere, slamming on the breaks, HONK... the cone yields and shuffles off the road.

-- We think the ceilings here are lower than our last place. I fear our heads may someday end up in a ceiling fan. shiver. Speaking of which, I have this phobia of ceiling fans. I'm just sure that as we lie asleep some night, our fan is going to fall off the ceiling, while still madly oscillating, and chop us to bits as we sleep. But we'll surely wake up and who wants to wake up to such terror? Gives me shivers.

-- Unpacking our place is sort of at a stand still. Things are pretty much unpacked, but we don't have all the needed things to make everything look like it eventually will. So it doesn't look the prettiest, but it's functional.

-- I went to sleep around 9:00 2 nights this week. I don't think I've done that since I was 7. Not that that is even remotely interesting news. 2 other nights this week, I slept after getting home from work and it felt more like a coma than sleep. I would have to lay there around a half hour in order to wake up enough to feel vaguely human. Is this normal? so odd. It's like the effects of anesthesia with no anesthetic.

-- Last Saturday I went shopping with a friend to a town close by that has one (at least) street of antique shops. Oh the money I could spend. It was so neat. I haven't just browsed antiques like that for, um, maybe ever, not sure. I love old stuff like that. The furniture actually has character and what not.

-- I guess that's all. We don't have a lot going on this weekend and that's fine with me. I'm pretty sure we won't be going to the zoo.


Rhonda said...

wow. your trip to the zoo doesn't sound like it really could have been much less fun. well, i suppose there's always a broken leg or something.

um, all the sleep? the comatose sleep? are you pregnant? feel free to ignore that question, but it just popped into my head, since that's the only time i've ever slept like that. just saying. :)

Sabrina said...

I've thought of the fan falling too. At least you'd die cool!

Don't worry about not having the house all "purtty". We painted our living room 1 1/2 years ago and I still have yet to put anything on the red wall and most of the white walls for that matter. They're walls. they still do their job very well.

the Neuschs said...

my comment would completely echo Rhonda's question?!?!?!?

Robyn said...

i didn't think of asking "the question", but i did think this - once you start having kids, you'll feel like that for about the next 10 years (depending how many kids you have). :-) daryl and i laughed about the cone-on-the-road incident. too funny. um, do you really think the fan could keep on spinning after it was fallen off the ceiling? rest in peace, cecelia. i do not think it will chop off your head.

rachelslab said...

I just think it would take a little while for it to stop. I don't think it would continue to spin indefinitely, but at least on the descent. So probably not enough to actually chop off the head, just a few nasty whacks.

Anonymous said...

Rachel dear, you never cease to make me roar, I can idenfiy with you a bit on the fan, remember the hunken wheel we had in the living room? well when we would all sleep on the living room floor,no one wanted to sleep under that, we pretty much made a circle around it, that would kill on impact no chopping off heads.
and oldie still loveing your blogs. Twila