Monday, July 27, 2009

The last few days...

Hi all. Thought I'd stagger over here and write a little update. Oh the greatness of the length of the endlessness of the last several days. How sweaty they are to describe, how sleepy I am still thinking about them. Anyhoo... I'm trying to remember the highlights of our move and such things. Dave and I were up till around 2:30 Friday night packing. That was more like a low light. I was so tired I could hardly move and Dave was enthusiastically encouraging me to plod along. Why in life does everything always take longer than you think it will? Anyway, Saturday morning we started moving and we had 3 trucks and people helping which was great. Actually on Saturday I felt guilty for not doing enough. I was mostly in the new place telling people where to put stuff. We're on the second floor now - everything (well, almost everything) had to be moved up 2 flights of stairs and not a lot of wiggle room. The poor guys. Okay, this is gross, but when they FINALLY got our big ole leather love seat (which is poofy all over and not easy to move) into the apartment, it was extremely wet with sweat. Isn't that nice? One of the guys suggested we just burn it when we move. The one thing that didn't go up the steps was our ginormous bookshelves that they lived over the balcony - very entertaining. = P So anyway - now we're here but still have to go back and clean the other place and clean (oh the hideousness of the oven over there. I shudder to think) and such. Anyway, they stopped moving things around 5 - 6ish, but there was still more over there. Yesterday we went over and moved some more and used my friend's truck. It started pouring rain on the way to our new place. Fun and games. This morning, Dave and a couple other people got the last of it. So as for this place, I have the kitchen all unpacked but other than that, not a lot is really in order. Another fun little thing is that our air conditioner is not working and no AC in Baton Rouge in July is just not a happy thing. Thankfully at this new place, we have 24 hr. emergency maintenance and someone is working on fixing it. We're using a window unit tonight and hopefully by tomorrow it'll be fixed. So that's my excuse for not unpacking tonight. That and I'm crazy tired and have a headache. So we're soon to retire to the only cool room in the house. I want to post pictures soon. For the most part, I LOVE the kitchen. It's so much bigger than the last one. We can open the fridge and dishwasher and Dave and I can stand in it ALL at the same time. Amazing. The whole place is much prettier and I expect that cockroaches won't be as much of an issue (THREE in the last week at the last place). The rooms are very nice sized. The only real glitch is that the living/dining area really is smaller. And we filled up our last place to the brim. So now we really can't fit all our junk in here. At least not like it was before. We're looking at different options to deal with that small annoyance. But anyway, still come visit cause you'll have an ample sized bedroom to stay in for sure. Okay, I'm tired of cooking so I'm off now. I think there were things I wanted to say but have forgotten them. Maybe it'll hit me at some point. addios


Jenni said...

so sorry about the a/c and your high level of fatigue! please have a good sleep and a good day with your kiddos tomorrow!!

Bethany said...

Again, you're amusing - even when you're tired. Reading abt. Dave's cooking is making me hungry. I'm praying you sleep well tonight.

Sabrina said...

Glad you're all moved in. Looking forward to seeing pictures.