Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scrapbook II

Here's the next round of pics for your perusal and hopefully enjoyment. Most of the pages are here, but not quite all of them.

As you may note from a bunch of the following pages, I fear I may have twisted the tail of one of the sacred cows of scrapbooking - I ended up printing off most of what I wanted to say on the computer rather than handwriting it all out. The reasons being that I could fit so much more writing in that way and it just looked neater. I know it's not as personal and I hope the scrapbooking gods are not hot with furry.
This page I hated so I mostly started over and redid it. It's better but still not my favorite. I didn't post my absolutely unfavorite page. I wanted too but it had too much personal info plastered all over it. = )

I loved this pic of Josiah at the reception so I wanted to put it in, but it looks sorta funny if you see it full size - giant baby crawling through tent eating the grandparents with flower growing out of ear....

Pretty cake - thanks Rhonda! = )
I used those brad thingies for the first time and I really liked em.
The End


Robyn said...

You are my hero. Amazing pages. I'm sure the scrapbooking gods are's me they're probably after. Nice to catch up with you!

Megan said...

Don't worry--I print almost all of my text out on the computer. It's just so much easier to make sure everything will fit right, and there's nothing like a fun & cool font to bring a little spark to the pages. I so need to get my stuff back out, but don't know how soon that will happening :) Great job!

Bethany said...

I'm in awe as usual. Also wanted to state my case that your fan base is alive and well!

Betty said...

I am here also! Love to come and read your blog to get in a laugh in! You have some of the most funny moments! But thats great! Tells me you love life!