Saturday, May 02, 2009

Pictures! (how original)

All the way back to Valentines Day! I guess it was only 2.5 months ago, but it seems like forever ago. If you remember my post way back then... well, here's one thing that worked - I was happy with my glass decoration that I came up with all in my head. And below is our little chimichanga feast.
Mardi Gras weekend, the end of February. We went to a parade in Baton Rouge, one of the tame, family ones. = P
What do they kneaux about sneaux, anyway?

The above was Friday night. Then we decided spur of the moment to go to Madisonville on Sunday afternoon for the boat parade. It was pretty funny. Not really worth the drive, but we had fun anyway.

Back at our little condo - you thought YOU had misquotes! These things are so obnoxious! They aren't nearly as bad now that it's hot here. They were terrible in the spring. I guess most of you are still having spring.
Our little romantic getaway... Easter long weekend we spent one night in a little town and the next day we took the ferry across the river to to St. Francisville, which is a really pretty town. The reason we didn't stay there is because it's more expensive. We found a really cheap place in a close by town, which was sorta a scary little town, but the ferry ride was fun and it all worked out. This is where we stayed - the outside of our luxury suite.
... and the INSIDE of our luxury suite. The room was SO small. This pic shows most of the space between the bathroom door and the shower curtain.

But it was a pretty place on the outside.
This is the outside of the restaurant we ate at, right by our room. Looks pretty scary, eh? It was actually really nice on the inside. From the outside it looked like it might float away any moment.
The next day we took the ferry to St. Francisville. We thought it was funny that Lucy knew exactly what to do. Even though she called the ferry a fry.

Mississippi River from the ferry.
We went to a plantation that was so pretty. I could not stop taking pictures here.
Inside of the mansion.

Original columns.

This concludes our show. Hopefully I'll post pictures more regularly now that we have a non-infected computer. Congratulations if you're still reading this!


Sabrina said...

I'm still reading! I love pictures. :)

Rita said...

i've always wanted to see plantations, etc. It looks so beautiful there and reminds me of Gone With The Wind...!
what is in those glasses for at first i thought it was golf balls! Candy?

Jenni said...

great pics! thanks!

rachelslab said...

Rita, it's strawberry whoppers. The rims dipped in choc.

MJ said...

Ever Cool Pictures! I love the chocolate rim on the glasses. i'll have to remember that.

Rhonda said...

nice pictures! the last one is exactly what i'd expect to see in the south.

Glenda said...

Love the pictures...especially the 2nd to last one!