Wednesday, September 03, 2008

We have power! = )

What an odd few days we've had here. I was getting all excited about posting that we finally had Internet in our apartment and about that time, the hurricane came through and we lost power. I know some of you were following the storm more than others. But anyhoo... let's see... What has been going on. We got Internet Saturday morning and that was fun and exciting. We kept hearing ramblings about this storm coming through last week but didn't think too much about it. When we were finally able to watch some TV and have the Internet, we realized it was the talk of the state. At church, people were saying that the city would probably be without power for awhile and we'll get a lot of strong winds and maybe some flooding. And we should be prepared for days without power. Oh my. Oh, let me back up a bit - Saturday evening Dave and I were moving stuff around in our ritzy, upscale little condo and discovered that the window in our bedroom is actually composed of cheap, flimsy, plexi-glass. And it had a couple spots that looked like a rock tried to come through the window. I barely touched it and it cracked like crazy. great. So, in light of the coming storm, we thought we should board that one. So Sunday after church we did some last minute shopping - the lines were insanely long and businesses were starting to close up for several days and a lot of them were boarded up. I guess this is for real. So we boarded up the window and such. Monday morning it was stormy and the power went out for awhile and then came back on. Yeay, thought we. Then it went out. = ( Unpacking is bad enough, but unpacking in the dark is just no fun at all. We made ourselves work for awhile. We also tried to get all our food from the fridge and freezer in coolers and were preparing to be without power for days. My cell phone stopped working and what an odd feeling - it felt like we were totally cut off from the world. I remembered last night that we had a radio around and they were saying that most of the city was without power and it would take weeks for a lot people to get power back. ugh. Today we continued to have no power at all. Our food wasn't staying cold at all. And we weren't sure when classes were starting at LSU. Last Dave had heard, things were starting up Thursday, but that seemed unlikely. If school was closed and we were without power all week, we'd probably find somewhere to go. Hanging out in 90 degree weather with no AC isn't so much fun. Not to mention the rotting food and such. So this afternoon we were going stir crazy and walked around our neighborhood. There were trees down all over the place and people were missing roof shingles and things like that. One building on our street is missing a roof - someone said they think that one got hit by a mini tornado or something. We decided to drive to the house of someone from church who has a generator so we could make some phone calls and check about classes. To make a long story short, we stayed there and talked with him for awhile (his family had been gone for a few weeks so I think he was glad for some company as well) then stopped at home to grab some things and were going to go back to his place for supper. When we got to our place, miracle of miracles - the power was on! Hooray!! From all the doom and gloom reports, this is way earlier than we were expecting. AND Dave doesn't have school until at least next Monday. So hopefully we can get a lot done this week. There are still tons of people without power. I guess we got lucky. What a fun way to spend Labour Day. whoo hoo. Let's see - here's some quotes that were very funny at the time - probably not anymore....

(we were using the freezer as a cooler and Dave was putting stuff from the fridge into the freezer packed with lots of ice) "... But of the power comes in in the middle of the night we might have a lot of Aunt Jamimasicles!"

Staring into the closet...
person 1; "Look at the butload of hangers we have hanging in the closet."
person 2: "Look at the hangload of butlers we have hanging in the closet!!"

Random question from this 80's game show where the contestants have to say if the statement is true or false:
"The St. Bernard is named after a saint named Bernard."
"That IS true!"
"YEAYYYYYYY" (does that seem funny to you? It seemed very funny to us at the time)

Okay, rather than bore you any longer, I should go to bed. It's late. Oh, we bought a really nice oak table and 6 chairs that I really really like. They are used of course - found the add in the paper. So now we own a bit of furniture. We feel so civilized actually sitting at a table to eat. We had been sitting at an end table and using 2 camp chairs (and eating out of tupperware for the first couple days). But Dave broke one of the camp chairs so it was time.... K, leaving for real now.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you wrote - I've been wondering how you were doing.

Jenni said...

hehe. i laughed. thanks for letting us know you're alive. i'm glad you're having fun! :-) (but no time to check for typos, apparently.) :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it through okay. I've been thinking of you!! Kristi

Anonymous said...

that sounds like it was quite exciting! i'm glad your ritzy condo survived everything.

Anonymous said...

Been wondering how you were weathering the storm! Glad you survived intact!

LaRonda said...

Glad to hear you have power and are safe. It sounds like you guys are having fun!

Glenda said...

oh what fun to catch up with your blog again! enjoyed reading the last several entries. And look forward to seeing pictures when you have time! =)

Sabrina said...

Wow, a pit of furniture and a closet of butlers!? Pictures please! Glad your safe!!

rachelslab said...

Okay, I changed it -- any other typos in there? = I

Anonymous said...

You will be happy to know that I read the last 3 (lengthy) entries all in one sitting and did not for one moment get bored. You make me laugh!! It's good to catch up with you again. . .