Tuesday, August 26, 2008

random tidbits

* After almost one week at the apartment, it's hard to see a huge improvement or transformation. The kitchen is definitely transformed, but the rest of the place is still very dirty and has boxes and junk ALL OVER. It's all just really overwhelming to me. At times I feel like I'm making progress, at other times, I just lay on the bed and stare at the black spots on the ceiling because I'm too overwhelmed to do anything (hmm.... maybe that's why it's taking so long)

* I have way to much junk. I admit it. I should have thrown half of it away and not moved it. I unpack but have no place to put it.

* Dave is still eating BBQ beef from the wedding. I hope he doesn't die of food poisoning. I stopped eating it quite some time ago.

* Nearly every time we drive somewhere together, I fall fast asleep. What is my problem? I still feel tired most of the time, maybe just trying to catch up from the last several insane months. And driving in Warsaw is different - it doesn't take much time at all to get anywhere. Unlike here. So Dave will be talking to me and then look over and I'll be sound asleep. The other day I was dreaming as we pulled into the bank parking lot. At least I try to stay awake when I'm driving, which has been rare and not pleasant (the driving part). Without Lucy, I don't know where I'd be. Probably on my way to North Dakota or some such place.

* You know how I was griping about how we are just expected to know things, like our meter number and such. Well, we had been getting more and more annoyed at our landlord by the day because I would call and she wouldn't call back and we had no way to get our mail. FINALLY, we got a hold of her and she said to call the post office. After a couple days and attempts, we find out that the post office needs to be notified that we have moved into that apartment so they can change the key. And the only time you can get your new key is on Friday. Isn't this interesting information??? HELLOOOOO!!!! Had we known this, we could have called the post office weeks ago and then picked up our key the day after we got into town. But noooooo.... no one tells you these things. So today on the phone as I was talking to someone from the post office, I asked if there's anyway we could get it before Friday because we are waiting on important documents and such. The only thing she could suggest was try to catch the mail carrier. I always have everything closed up, (she had said between 1:30 - 2:30) but randomly at about 12 I saw a mail truck in our neck of the woods. I'm pretty sure I haven't moved that fast since ... I'll get back to you... anyway I went barrelling out the door and across the street and pleaded for mercy and the very nice (gasp - that's been rare so far in our dealings with people around here) lady said, yeah I'll get it for you. So I went back and watched and waited until she finally came, and ah sweet bliss, the mail it was there. Now we just have to wait until Friday.... That story became way longer than I intended.

* A lesson learned this week - high quality vegetable peelers will slice your skin as though it were butter. But it's only my index finger on my right hand, so thankfully, no one I use all the time or anything.

* Dave started school yesterday. Today he was gone all day while I tried to unpack and watch the ceiling and such. It's such an odd feeling being in a completely new place. Today I was all alone and it's just this odd feeling of... I know one person is this city. Just calling up friends and hanging out isn't an option. (So I call my old roommate cause we have free mobile to mobile = ) I'm sure it will improve as time goes on. Transitions are just odd.

* I'm not sure if there was anything else or not. I think I should probably go now and do something productive. Hope you are all having a fabulous week.


Anonymous said...

Boy, that post office business sure does sound frustrating. Hope the finger heals fast. You made me chuckle at numerous points, as always. I'm praying God brings you new friends down there. You could always drive an hour and visit my friend Jenny. : )

jigawatt said...

Don't worry. I know you will soon have lots of friends at South Baton Rouge PCA.

Sabrina said...

You said transition is odd, I'd say it's hard. Just give yourself time. You will adjust! Keep sleeping -you probably need it! I think of you lots and I'm praying for you. P.S. pitch the junk, keep the good stuff, but pitch the junk. I've been there! Take a picture of it, put it in a scarpbook, write about it and then pitch it! :)

Robyn said...

Hey, good to hear from you. Hope married life is swell :-)
I'll email soon.

Anonymous said...

The trick to "overwhelming" is one box at a time. The "pitch the junk" advice is a good one! I'm sure in no time you will meet some friends.
If the tired continues, promise you'll see a Doctor!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

hi ! just letting you know I was here!!


Brother D

Jenni said...

amen to what sabrina and debbie said. pitch the junk. and then buy some stacking plastic drawers or some cheap storage shelves. but pitch the junk first! wish i could help. hehe. :-) i'll call you this morning!

Rita said...

So nice to hear from you again and know that you're hanging in there. Isn't it wonderful that you have internet access to all our great advice and being connected, etc.? So, yeah, one box at a time, and one section of the apt. at a time and before you know it you'll be busy with new friends...Enjoy the quiet before the storm (or something like that, eh?)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Just wanted to let you know I was here and read. =) I agree that transition is HARD. And trust me...I fully understand the whole thing of needing to stay connected with old friends in old places because you don't know REALLY know anyone where you are. I thank God OFTEN for cheap long distance rates and internet. Hang in there. Spend lots of time with Dave when he's around and with God when you're alone. =) Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hello!! I made it into your blog! I feel a little like a celebrity!! Sorta like I did when the server at Ruby Tuesdays recognized me as his substitute teacher from 6th grade. Almost the same...

You are a funny, funny girl!!!! I would tell you this in person, if you would call said roomy again. it was such fun! Shouldn't we repeat said call?

Have I guilted you into calling yet?
I will add further motivation. I went on something tonight. It was a sort of social engagment. Want details?

Also I need your address. Since you are getting mail now, I will send you some.

(yes, I find I do prefer hugs to kisses with you)
Sister B