Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Then there was the day my head exploded and I hacked up a lung...

... so, I'm not feeling so well and decided not to spread the joy to the masses so I'm home from work today. I need to do some computer work from home so I don't go out of my mind. My last day of work is next Friday and that just seems unreal. This is lousy timing - like I have a full day of visits scheduled tomorrow (like a 10 hour day) and I really don't want to have to reschedule them. Anyway, onto cheerier news, last weekend Dave and I went to Iowa to see his family. We had a lot of fun and saw some really nice fireworks. Dave's parents had loaned him a car topper thingy to use for the move and such and so we had that strapped to his car on the way home and had some rather valuable things in it. Well, on Sunday we were crusing down interstate 80 surrounded by traffic of course, and all of a sudden we hear this eerie noise and I turn around and this big luggage carrier is flying through the air and lands in the middle of the interstate with a crash (right in front of an on ramp). This big semi slowed way down and drove around it, as did other vehicles, and then this guy, who appeared to be a mechanic, pulled over right away. He helped Dave drag it off the road and then he worked for probably a half hour at least, strapping it on with his high tech straps. Thank God he was around, don't know what we would have done. And than God the thing didn't fly through someone's windshield or someone didn't crash into it... Of course I was freaking out and thinking about how someone could have been killed and how we can never travel anywhere without catastrophe (last time we drove that stretch, we blew a tire). And Dave is thinking about how wonderful it is that no one was hurt and that the mechanic guy was right where he was at that moment... The topper had been making some annoying noises before if flew off. After it flew off, it was making intolerable noises. There was a loud, but tolerable humming sound on the driver's side, and then there was a very loud, more high pitched grinding sound on my side. It was a metal hook hitting the window wrong. We stopped and tried to put some paper towels inbetween them, but to no avail. The winning solution turned out to be a high tech combination of paper towels, a feminie hygiene product, and electrical tape. Worked like a charm. Anyways, I just wanted to bless your day with that story. I think I'm going to go sleep now. Hope you are all doing fabulously.


Anonymous said...

And I thought it was funny to use pads to make slippers. Using them to fix the luggage carrier is great too. Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope tomorrow is better.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, you're quite funny when you're sick...and when you're well....and when you're tired....and after you sleep in. Frankly again, I'm sad that you are moving so far away and that I didn't make it a point to visit you this past year. : ( Waaaaaahhh!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get it in your head that something bad happens every time you come to Iowa!:0 It's just your imagination! was great to see you!

Anonymous said...

frankly, i love that you managed to write a sentence that included "feminine hygiene product and electrical tape". well done.

Jenni said...

hahahaha. you do beat all marilla!

shaunjoy said...

Thank goodness you were along... the problem couldn't have been fixed without your highly specialized products. :)

Anonymous said...

I read this several days ago and was still chuckling hours later that night while laying awake in bed...trying to go to sleep. And had to tell Arthur about it when he wondered what was so funny. =)

Sabrina said...

I agree with Rhonda's comment!

Anonymous said...

"Only in the life of Rachel," she says to herself, shaking her head with wonder and delight! Thanks, you did brighten my day!

Anonymous said...

As soon as I read the words "car topper thingy", I knew we were in for a treat! Every time I read your blog it makes me smile, laugh and think about how much I truly do miss having you nearby.....
