Saturday, February 10, 2007

Would you like to come eat vegetables off my floor?

Because you could ya know. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor in my room last night (we do have great Friday nights around here) mostly because the mop was broken and has remained in that state for quite some time now. And also because it was in amazing need of it. Last week was nutty and I spent evenings trying to get all my stuff done so I could relax this weekend, which has mostly been happening. I have a lot of training right now - 2 days a week for 3 weeks and that makes work frantic and somewhat frustrating. Wednesday I was gone for training and met up with a friend - a friend from here went as well and we went to a .... HOCKEY GAME! Did my Canadian blood some good. I haven't seen hockey in ages.

Speaking of training, since I have to listen to hours of this a week, I'll put you through some of it too - for all you prego women out there (which is about 89% of my readers right now I think) - here's a free tip. We learned this week that if a pregnant woman doesn't take in enough calories when she's pregnant, the developing baby can loose up to FORTY PERCENT of their brain cells - yes, nearly half of their brain cells that they will never get back. So the moral of the story? EAT UP!! You might weigh 300 pounds by the time you deliver, but your kid will grow up and work at NASA or cure cancer and pay for your gastric bypass surgery. Remember that behind every genius is an enormous woman. I knew you all really wanted an excuse anyway, and if that doesn't do it for ya....

What else? I believe I may remember a few nuggets of truth from John Tesh, even though it was nearly a week ago. Let's see - in an elevator, you will let someone shorter stand closer to you than someone taller. Also, rumor has it that before smoke detectors were invented, the Chinese used to scatter firecrackers around the house - so they would go off if there was a fire and everyone could pop out of bed and head out in a speedy fashion.

Well, that just might be everything I have to say for now. Hope you're having a great weekend.


Robyn said...

Thanks for the great news. I don't think I'll have a problem eating enough. :) Too bad that also means that you might have a 13lb baby to push out. Hmmm, kinda puts a damper on things. But thanks. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great collection of information. Thanks for sharing. I'm in that un-pregnant 11% of your readership, but I'll file it away. And, I might go buy some firecrackers, since our smoke detectors are usefully stored in a drawer.

Seriously, here is a country where mothers might not get enough to eat while they are pregnant. :( It's sad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the food encouragement, Rachel! Not that I needed any help shoveling the food in, but at least I feel better about my expanding backside. :) (on a related note, my sister-in-law reminded me yesterday that having fatty thighs is supposed to be good for your heart...go figure)

~ Joy

Jenni said...

Thanks Rachel, that was down-right depressing.:-) I'm with Rhonda in the 11%, but still... So, could you define "not enough"??