Sunday, November 19, 2006

The world looks a bit brighter....

So, first off, and I know this is nothing to 99.9% of North America, but I got a cell phone yesterday! Now if I could just learn to like coffee, I could actually be socially acceptable maybe. I'm just totally blown away by technology these days! I mean, all I really need is a phone, but of course, this thing has a camera, web access, voice whatever you call it where you can just say a name and it'll call the person for you, games, video, a mini toaster/eyelash curler... I'm completely flabbergasted! I feel so American (a feeling I usually try to avoid... = P Please, Don't shoot!) So that's been exciting.

On to other news... I'm changing jobs. This Wednesday will by my last day at the residential place. The next Monday will be my first day at my new job. I was hired for a position right in town so it will be much less driving. It will be working with families, mostly moms and younger kids. I'm looking forward to the switch but I'll miss the kids I work with now a lot as well.

What else... some wisdom from John Tesh? I heard this morning that if you're trying to decide whether or not you can justify eating the pumpkin pie this Thursday (for the Americans), get this - I can't remember all the stats, but in I believe a half cup of pumpkin, there are all sorts of good vitamins that aid dry skin, and reduce bloating, among other things. So really, you should eat till you're completely stuffed, then eat 5 pieces of pie to reduce that heavy feeling and also give your skin that touchably soft feel.

Well, I think that's all from this neck of the woods.


Rhonda said...

woo hoo for cell phones and pumpkin pie!!!

Robyn said...

I miss you! You crack me up, as usual.
Don't worry, I don't use a cell phone *yet*. Now I'm alone, you american you.

Jenni said...

Thanks for the post. I'm inspired and amused as usual. Yeah, I'm sure pumpkin has lots of health benefits, but probably 99.9% of them vanish when it's made into sugary, rich pie! I wonder what would happen if you would just put the pumpkin directly on your face as a mask...

Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute - I can only claim citizenship in one country (the US of A, of course), and do I have a cell phone?? The answer would be "no." Therefore, if having a cell phone makes one "American," then I am like that old story, "The [Wo]Man Without a Country." Woe is me...

On other things, I'm glad to hear about your new job about which you can be more excited. I'll be praying for you through that whole learning-the-ropes stage.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say, Robyn, you're certainly not alone!!!

I hope strawberry shortcake is as healthy as pumpkin pie, because that's what I'm living on today. It's the only thing edible in my kitchen and I don't have time to cook.

Wendy Yutzy said...

Hey Rachel,
I thought you might get a kick out of this, I'm on the computer in the "office, right next to our bedroom. Jeff is sleeping, and I heard this thump, I went to check it out and he was attacking the phone base. It has a blinking light because I'm Online. I touched it and he said, do you know what you're touching? Yeah, the phone charger.... He was talking in his sleep!!!
Anyway, have fun in your new job

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel...yes, you crack me up to. I can always count on you to get me laughing about life again. I just left a comment about crying. Are you happy with me now?