Sunday, November 12, 2006

There's nothing worse than an angry female...

So I guess I'll say something since the masses (Jenni and Rhonda) are clamoring for an update. I sincerely apologize for my lack of initiative and resulting slothfulness in updating, and I am working on the 10 effective steps for removing this from my life. Oh, life feels better now that I have a clear conscience. So, what to tell you all... Well, my car is back and fixed up all nicely. I had the sweetest little deal for a rental car - a 2006 PT Cruiser. I was hoping it would take several months to fix my car, but I had the Cruiser from Monday til Friday morning. It was a fun little ride! When I got back in my own car, I felt like I was sitting on the pavement, it was so low. But there's something sort of comforting about your very own vehicle ya know - like putting on your favorite shirt or something.

Stay tuned and I'll update you shortly about some changes taking place in my employment. Oh, here's something I got sort of a kick out of - a sign that a kid put on his door that read, and I quote, "Quite time Don't disterb ME unless it benefits ME. If you break this there will be severe consicunes." I guess we've all had those days... .

I was listening to the John Tesh radio show this morning (Intelligence for your life... or something like that). Since I'm not in school anymore, I need something to keep the mind sharp. So this morning he gave the results of a crying study - the results were that women cry on average, 64 times per year and guys cry on average 17 times a year. But things start to even out as they age because men loose testosterone, making them cry more, and women loose estrogen, making them cry less. So in old people, the difference shouldn't be as marked. I thought these numbers were really high, but I was curious what you people out there think. I know I don't cry even close to 64 times a year, 17 would be much closer. What about you? Do ya fit the stats? It'll be interesting if anyone will be honest and tell me how often they (or their guys) really cry. = )

Okay, well after my little abscess, I mean absence, I'll try to be a bit more faithful in updating this thing. I hope you all are having a great weekend and aren't too depressed about the thought of working tomorrow, if in fact you are... Remember... I'm pullin for ya, and keep your stick on the ice.


Jenni said...

Hoooray! Thanks for the update! I don't think you all really want to know how often I cry! Way too often... Very easily, I'm realizing. And my hubby is more like 5 - 10 times a year. We're a bunch of extremists around here. :-)

Robyn said...

Hmmm. 64 seems like a lot. That's like... 4 times a month at least. :-) I'd say I'm more like once or twice a month, during PMS usually...I have to think about Daryl.

Rhonda said...

well, i think i cry about that much, but it's not evenly spaced out to 4 times a month. "ok, it's weds, time to cry." not like that. :)
i would guess that matthew cries about as often as keith, but don't really know. i guess i never counted. "honey, is that a tear? where's my score sheet?" :D

ok, i'll keep on moving...

Anonymous said...

if you count the times i laugh until i cry (which doesn't take much) then maybe 64. and kirk, well, maybe .5 times a year. i guess he's not old enough yet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel -- I lost your link for about the past month, so now I'm finally catching up on your life. Sounds like a lot has happened and you've been busy! (you want me to send another deer your way so you can get another rental car??)

Crying? I bawl over sappy movies, books and, must I admit, even commercials like you wouldn't believe...don't cry so much in "real life" though. Maybe compensation? The husband missed out on the crying gene...seriously.

- Joy

Anonymous said...

well here's from one who lost her estrogen! thats true basically only at neat and meaniful weddings, and when I see someone else cry! hubby yes he cries more then he used to for sure.
Twila H.

Anonymous said...

I'm down around 17 I think. Like Joy, I more often cry over a movie, TV show (and you know that I basically never do that), or book than I cry over real life stuff. If I see it, that Extreme Makeover: Home Edition show on Sun. nights is always my downfall. Sniff, sniff...such touching stories and all...

Anonymous said...

I cry a lot. How often? I don't even know! So far this month, um like 4 times. uh, maybe more. I've reached my quota!! Hope everything goes well for the rest of November! Guys crying...uh, I never seen any of my current guy friends cry. Never seen my brother cry since puberty. One friend says he runs out of the room when other people cry, so I'm guessing the guys he hangs out with don't cry too often. ~ Bethany

Anonymous said...

Define cry... I mean, I shed a tear sometimes, but rarely REALLY cry. I usually have a good cry about once or twice a year, and that's in the shower. It seems the tears of the shower head induce a smooth flow of welled-up emotions just waiting to brim over. Then after the goblet (that's me) is not brimming any more, the crying doesn't happen until another shower 6-12 months later. :o)

rachelslab said...

So Rhonda Sch - Do you take a few showers inbetween your crying ones? It wsan't quite clear.

You guys are makin me laugh. I think from now on I'm only going to post things I hear on the John Tesh radio show.

Sabrina said...

Hi Rachel, I haven't been on blog world for a couple days so I missed all this! I think 64 times is way too high. Maybe a couple times a month. ?? I cried a lot when I was pregnant and ALL THE TIME for the first few weeks after Isaiah was born. If I allow myself I cry because I miss my family. They say crying really helps you feel better -I agree. The problem is that when I'm finished with a really good cry I feel great, but Jeremy is left still trying to fix the problem -then he cries. :) Just kidding. he never cries like I do -tears running down your face, blubbering, red nose and eyes, you know, but I do see tears in his eyes sometimes -then I cry more. :) Sorry for the long comment! your post really struck an emotion in me! :)

Wendy Yutzy said...

Jeff cry? I think in the 6 years we've been married I saw tears in his eyes 2 times. When Alabama was born and when Trevor was born. Oh and I quess in the hospital when mom died. He has a tender heart, but he doesn't cry easily.

Sabrina said...

I don't know if anyone is still reading these comments, but I just thought I'd add that I asked Jeremy this question and he thinks I cry 64 times a year. :(

Rhonda said...

Okay, I'm waiting to see these statistics organized in a scientific manner for our perusal...

You can add 3 times in the last week for me. :) somehow, having two fender benders in one week, and hubby being out of town a bunch, and onery kids and a busy schedule....

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone will be here anymore to see this but here's my take on it. I do cry often at times but not 64 times a year...I don't think. Unless crying all day for 2 days at our last Advance meetings was worth more than 1 cry. =) There are times when I'm very emotional but I don't usually cry much on a day to day basis. Times I cry? Sometimes when praying or confessing sin or when I'm praying to forgive someone. When I see good friends I haven't seen for awhile or when I say goodbye to friends I won't see for awhile. When I think of the kids here at PH and their hurting hearts. After a good book or movie...usually true ones and not fiction. When I'm frustrated and want to run away. While singing and worshiping my Lord. Is that answer long enough for ya?

Oh, about men. Arthur must not be like some of these other men. It's not unusual for me to see him get teary eyed but not every day or anything. When he's in GREAT pain. When we're praying sometimes. When he's been wounded in the heart. I know he often cries when he's alone and praying for other people.