Friday, August 25, 2006

When the total number of products in your hair is greater than the total number of hours slept, you're in for a rough day....

So, I guess it's about time I update this thing. Let's see, there's a lot I could say, so I need to choose carefully what I should like to bore you with. Last weekend I went on a little last hoorah before I join the ranks of the employed. It was so nice to see Red Lake friends! The pictures are from a little ferry trip we took to Middle Bass Island on Lake Erie. It was so much fun to sit in the pool and hot tub and yak. I should have taken more pictures of other friends I got to see, but I was a bit negligent. So anyway, that's that. I know this isn't impressive at all, but those of you that really know me will be proud (maybe, I think) - I met Karla in Hilliard before I left for home and had to drive in the Columbus area and can I just say that all the many lanes and exiting and merging ... oh my.. I didn't kill myself, or anyone else, but by the time I got to my little, manageable 4 lane (2 each way), my legs felt like jelly and I was quite shaky. Oh, the trauma of it all....

Moving to happier thoughts... today was my first official day at work. Yesterday I had some orientation stuff (where I decided that I should not, no could not, make a correct turn the first time, oh no. One must drive past one's road at least one time for the most character building experience.) but today was my first day at the job. Okay, a quick editing of the alphabet thing from a couple posts ago: insomnia - SEVERE and PERSISTENT / time I get up: 6:00 -- BAD combination. I don't know what the deal was but I couldn't sleep most of the night last night which was a great way to arrive the first day. On a bright note, I didn't get lost or get in any accidents (always thankful when that happens). Well, I don't have too much to say about it. First days are always horrible and then hopefully it improves from there. I feel like I'm in way over my head and have information overload and don't know how I'll ever remember all this stuff - so much paperwork it's unreal. If you decide to come visit, look for a large lump of brightly colored post - it notes and that should be me. Okay, well maybe I'll try to find something fun to do with my Friday night, although sleep is sounding kinda nice... anybody have any good job mess up stories to share? Like um... someone I know gave a slightly sloshed fellow money out of an account that wasn't his... come on, humor us!


Rhonda said...

great title, and thanks for the news and the pictures. looks like fun! well, I can't think of too much that's worth sharing about jobs I've messed up. I'm sure there's a lot, but I blocked it out of my mind. :)too painful, I guess. :)

Jenni said...

Hooray for the update! And congrats on your first day at work!! I won't tell you my most horrible work story. It's still too painful after 15 years! Let's just say that the DQ drive-through and I don't get along so well sometimes! :-/

Robyn said...

your title cracked me up. i wish i were as creative as you. i'm sure the job will improve soon.

Anonymous said...

Um...I hung up on a prospective student once because I thought it was another staff member making a crank call. It wasn't. :(

- joy

Anonymous said...

I do recall the "mistaken account holder" incident... it's funny now!

I had a contract job up at Campbell mine and was asked if I knew where I was going (I honestly thought I did). I wandered aimlessly around the mill (a very frightening building)for quite some time before some kind soul spotted me and came to my rescue. In the mean time the guy I was working for had a little search party going for his missing office clerk - it's a wonder he didn't have a sudden "shortage of work" right then and there. I've never quite been able to live that one down!

Sabrina said...

Is the job getting any better? What are you working at? I'm not sure this was the worst job story, but I once sent an email to the wrong person. I sent it to the person I was talking about instead of the the person I was talking to. :( Thankfully, it wasn't anything nasty or mean. I blush thinking about it!

rachelslab said...

Debbie - I was wondering if you would comment... I could write a book about that place!