Saturday, May 20, 2006

Redneck bike ride

Just a couple of helmet heads cruising through Indiana farm land.
You start in the "city" and in just a few minutes... viola! I've finally been putting some miles on my bike. A friend of mine just got a new bike and we went for a lovely ride today. When I started taking pictures of these cows, they came over to say hello. I rode almost 18 miles today, then came home and mowed the ample yard. Now I just want to sleep. Last night some friends came over and we had a cookout. It was more of a cookin though because of the nasty weather we've been having. It was fun to hang out with friends and play with the new camera.


Robyn said...

this blogging shtuff is great. you redneck, you. I almost wrote "rednext".

Anonymous said...

nice cows.