Tuesday, April 06, 2010

odds and ends in picture form

Here's some pics of what's been going on the last while. To start, a little anecdote. My brother Sheldon and his daughter Sara were scheduled to come visit the last weekend in March. I needed something to do anyway with the young charge. Awhile back we bought some nasty natural peanut butter that was so messy I wanted to bake with it rather than try to use it for every day purposes. And I thought - yippie - company coming, I'll make some lovely cookies. What better way to spend a morning with a 2 year old. Oh. my. word. I tried out this really healthy recipe thinking maybe I could enjoy the little morsels as well. So they had stevia in place of sugar, and piles of raw, unsweetened coconut. I followed a recipe, but gracious, the results were not good. Okay, the results were hideous. The young child was absolutely adorable while helping so I had to get some pics. But upon seeing the end results, my heart sank.
I thought I would give her one and then have the camera ready for disgusted look on her face that would certainly follow. Poor kid was so proud of her cookies that turned out so nasty. It was like unto eating sawdust. Anyway, to my surprise, she took a bite and kept it in her mouth...
... and kept it there and kept it there and kept it there. FINALLY she swallowed it. I asked her if she wanted more and she was pretty sure she didn't and jumped off the chair. too funny. Dave actually ate some of the dog biscuits until I threw them in the trash. Sheldon took one bite and said, "I'll probably eat something else." I couldn't swallow a single bite. so sad.
cookie still in mouth. = P
And now for some pics from when Sheldon and Sara were here. There are all Sheldon's - I didn't take any pictures at all, but got his. This top one is a little out of order. On Sunday afternoon we went to St. Francisville and toured a plantation. This friendly turkey was roaming about.
Saturday we took in the sights downtown. I'm sure I've posted a bunch that look very similar to these, but oh well, here's some more - the capital building.

We got a big kick out of this. A statue inside the capital building and the official write up about the guy came from non other than - wikipedia. very official indeed.
The old capital building.
Check out the name of this pizza place downtown. Had to laugh. very very good pizza!
Down by the water. Sara with her eyes closed in front of the USS KIDD.
This was taken from the famous Shaw center roof/lookout area.
Down by the water again.
This concludes pictures of the Sheldon/Sara trip.
35 weeks last Friday.


Jenni said...

wow! great pics. Looks like you had fun. Sorry about the dog biscuits! Don't make any for me when I come, okay? :-) I'm looking at tickets tonight. :-D

Robyn said...

You look GREAT!!! The cookie story made me laugh. Esp Sheldon's response.

Robyn said...

You look GREAT!!! The cookie story made me laugh. Esp Sheldon's response.

Karla said...

35 weeks?!?! Oh Rachel, I mean Loretta, you are going to have a little baby! I mean I knew already, but I just am so excited and can't wait to meet the little booger!