Thursday, October 18, 2007

Since a couple people are clamoring for an update...

... let's see - as far as my life goes, well, there's work, there's not work, there's sleep, which is what I should be doing now. There was a very good trip last weekend to spend some time with a guy named Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging out in Cincinnati and stayed with his grandparents. So here's some pictures. good night.

If I don't get comments on this post, I'm closing my account and never blogging again.


lisa said...

Nice looking couple!! :-) that is the grandparents I'm talking about! :-P
ok....kidding! you both were nice looking couples!! So....details, details, details!!! Thank you soooo much for the we know what Dave at least looks like!!! now, we will need a few more details! I can't email email still doesn't hoo! I can receive emails but can't send them. frustrating! but I think I maybe getting a new computer of some sorts the day after Thanksgiving. You do look very happy on your pictures!! :-)

Jenni said...

here's a comment from me. way to go keeping us all informed! (well, a little bit anyway, as lisa pointed out!) wish i had something truly witty to say...

Anonymous said...

And here's me - like I said on IM, way to be brave and posting this for the world wide web to see. : )

Anonymous said...

You guys look so good together! I am so happy for you.

Anonymous said...

way to go to post pics for all of us. now how/where did you meet him?

Anonymous said...

Nice to have a face to go with the name! : ) Thanks for sharing. Great pic of the cincy lights, too.

Anonymous said...

I declare! You guys even look a bit alike! Well, just a little but it could be a sign you know. And I both look VERY happy.=)

I do have to wonder why you are blogging at 12;30 am though. Or are you so beautiful that you don't need your beauty sleep anymore?

Rhonda said...

very nice pictures. i agree that you look a little bit alike. in our happy marriage, we get that comment a lot. in case you wondered. :D

i'll keep the rest of my comments for the next time we chat online. :D

Jenni said...

it's the hair, right? his hair looks kinda reddish like yours. red hair is a good thing! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!

Sabrina said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! You two look great together! His grandparents look very pleased too. Thanks for the update, but I still want more details. :)

Sabrina said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! You two look great together! His grandparents look very pleased too. Thanks for the update, but I still want more details. :)

Sabrina said...

blogger kept telling me my word verification was wrong, but posted my comment twice. weird, but at least you got 3 more comments!

Anonymous said...

way to go posting the pics online! Now I have a face to go with name!!
Glad you had a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi "starry eyes",

He looks nice.

Thanks for the link again. Otherwise I keep forgetting to come to your site.


Anonymous said...

AHHHH! What a charming.lovely couple you make! How happy you both do look! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. We wish you God's best and His leading as you continue to seek direction for your lives.
Carolyn Schantz

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being so slow; too busy I guess. I am proud of you for showing him off to us all!!! Yep, I agree with Jenni--red hair is good!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey am I to late? Thanks for the pictures, I like that some relatives are from IA EH?

Anonymous said...

sorry last anon. was Twila

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

It's great to put a face to the name! I look forward to meeting him one day.....will you be trucking up to Red Lake in the not to distant future?

elise said...

Rachel, this comment #21. You better not quit blogging!
Can't wait until Christmas!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did Elise say that? Are you bringing D up here at C.mas time?

Anonymous said...

yes, indeedy, Rachel. Please do not forget us all now that you have someone else to think of. We loved you first!!

Wendy Yutzy said...

Well Rachel,
I must say, I think you are the most read blog around these days!
All those comments, you better keep it up! Can't wait to meet Dave.

Jenni said...

okay, we're clamoring for another update now!!

Anonymous said...

Hello!!!!!????? Where in BIG Indiana can you be??!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey---what are you doing after Thanksgiving?? Coming north abit?? You are more than welcome and you are welcome to bring Dave along--think he could handle the Miller tribe?? Just let me know please!Love to have you all!
Aunt Ruthie

mathfridge said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mathfridge said...

Hey Sweet I get to make post number 28.

You know 28 is a perfect number. That means if you take every whole number that divides 28 and add them,


you get 28.

This is because 7 is prime and is one less than a power of 2. So 7 times 8 over 2 equals 28, making it perfect. In the same light 3 times 4 over 2 equals 6 which is perfect and 31 times 32 over 2 is 496 which is also perfect. Hooray number theory!

See what kind of cool posts you get from dating a mathematician.

Rachel you are gorgeous. I miss you bunches.


mathfridge said...

Well that was weird. I tried to make comment 28, but it posted twice. So I went back to try and delete one them and it took out "comment 28" which was the point of the whole post. silly blogger.

Now you are going to have to read why "28" is exciting in comment 29.

OK I'll end comment 30 now. =)


Anonymous said...

Rachel! I haven't checked your site for a long time but LaRonda told me the other night that you have a boyfriend so I decided to stop by...I know Dave's grandparents--they are so great!! You stayed in my friend's condo! She told me that some of Chappy and Marybelles family including a new girlfriend were staying there while she was gone. Crazy!! I hope you enjoyed Cincinnati!:)
Amy Yoder