Sunday, June 04, 2006

consumerism in this country is outta control!

I went to Walmart sometime this evening - can't remember what time exactly, but do know that I left the store at 10:00 - but still had to park practically in the next county. Everyone and their brother seemed to be out and about...


Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart...drives me nuts, but I can't stay away!!!

Anonymous said...

I've had enough of your anti-WalMart shennanagins.

rachelslab said...

I wasn't even bashing Walmart! (although I was only there because we don't have a Tatget)I was just saying that it's odd that any store would be packed out at 10:00 at night! That's all!

rachelslab said...

I mean Target.

Anonymous said...

well, anonymous, if you think rachel is bad, you should meet her big brother! :-)

rachelslab said...

Hey anonymous - Do you want your CD back?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i should prolly get that back from you soon. You leave.. what, in like a day? Call me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so you DO occasionally visit Walmart!! I do agree with you about the consumerism thing, however, Walmart does better than any other store at stocking most of my needs all in one I continue to support them.

rachelslab said...

Um... I already did leave. I'm in Chicago right now. Sorry about that. But the RM will guard your CD with utmost care until you pick it up.