Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Perfect Sunday

Howdy! I had a wonderful and relaxing weekend hanging out with friends. Two friends were here Saturday and then Sunday one of them was still around. After being in school for the past 3 years, I have a much greater appreciation for days like Sunday. We went to church, came home and decided it was much too hot to do anything other than swim. So we ate at the beach, then after looking at and smelling the water there, we decided we definitely needed another beach to actually swim at. The next one was much better. The water was wonderful - cool enough to be shocking at first but nice and refreshing. And I have to add that I did not, I repeat, NOT burn at the beach. (I trust a couple of my faithful readers are proud of me?) We of course worked up an appetite with all the swimming so we came home and ate a lovely supper (exhibit D - The stawberries were amazlingly tasty). And THEN we played a game of Settlers (which incidentally, I won). For you settlers players, we played a 3 person game with the expansion and no robber in an attempt to have a more friendly atmosphere. Then we just relaxed and visited into the morning hours. All the while I was thinking, "this sure is nice, but I would so much rather be writing a 20 page research paper!" Yes well, I have less than a week in this country. Can't even believe it!


Anonymous said...

wow, that looks like fun. and proud? that doesn't begin to discribe my feelings about you avoiding a sunburn. (or something.) don't feel obligated to post pictures of waffles. :-)

see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Yup, it was fun day. I was wishing for a lake yesterday afternoon when I got home. I was hungry for more strawberry&whipped cream-smothered waffles last night, but I refrained. Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, the decadence! Please come make waffles for me! And no sunburn? I'm speechless. How could it really be perfect without a sunburn? :-) I''m glad you guys had fun. Some day, when we're old, we all need to go to Florida for a week in the winter - no hubbys, no kids, lots of money and free time. Rhonda, are you coming?? Maybe we should start saving now!:-/

Robyn said...

Glad you had a fun weekend. It's nice to hear you relaxing instead of working your *** off.

Anonymous said...

I love this site! It's great to catch up on the happenings in your world.