I'm feeling completely unmotivated in the clever things to write department. Maybe that's because we went on a long trip and got back a week ago and I haven't recovered. And since then my kids have been sapping every last ounce of vim vigor and vitality I had left, so pics and boring explanations will have to do, for my 2 fans who were asking for them.
Keith and Hannah at the reception
Pretty cool cake at the reception - Lego teacher and roller derbyist
pretty nieces!
haha - goofy Gavin and Matthew and Rhonda
The lovely couple
Someone turned 6 months old
We then went up to Red Lake and Aleah had a blast playing in the snow with cousins and we enjoyed visiting lots of family and friends. It was sort of a whirlwind trip. We drove back from International Falls all night Thursday night. The idea was that the kids would sleep nearly the whole time, making the trip go much faster. But somehow that didn't work, and we didn't get home till Friday afternoon. UGH! Sunday night Merle and Rita and Lamar from Red Lake were on their way through to PA and stopped for supper. :) fun times.
My sister and sister in law made Dave and I this amazingly beautiful quilt for our wedding/5 year anniversary. :) I LOVE it ! The colors are off because I took these with flash in a rather dark room (see below pic) so it looks even more amazing in person. Back when my sister asked me what colors I wanted, I couldn't decide what in the world color our room would be for the next 70 years. So it ended up being lots of different colors and we can pull out whatever color our heart desires. It actually looks really nice with the orange wall that's in the place we're renting now. :) (oh, and I know you don't need 3 pics that look exactly the same, but I couldn't decide which to post, so there ya go. Also, I think the pic makes it look brighter than it is. in real life isn't more "rich" looking. Ok, I'll stop going on and on about it....)
The reason it's hard to take pics and get things put away in our room. A little person is frequently sleeping in there.
Aleah's fancy new do
doing a bit of cooking ... Ok, I guess that's all for now. somehow putting pics on my blog seemed like more fun than cleaning the house. But I spose I should do that to. Happy weekend!
Posting pictures is ALWAYS better than cleaning! Especially since the clean house never lasts...
very nice selection. :) i think my favourite is the first one of Jocelyn's 6 month day.
I like Aleah's new "do"!
I love pictures. The quilt is beautiful and of course so are your girls. :)
اذا كنت تعانى عزيزى القارئ من مشكلة تجمع الحمام فى نوافذ منزلك وعلى الاسطح وعلى اسوار الحديقة فقط كل ما عليك هو الاتصال بشركة مكافحة الحمام 0509168319- لأننا شركة مكافحة الحمام بالدمام متخصصة فى مجال مكافحة الحمام
ووجود الحمام فى النوافذ يتسبب فى حدوث اضرار كثيرة بجانب الشكل الغير جميل للمكان نجد انها تخلف الريش وبعض من انواع البكتيريا التى تسبب تآكل المبانى الخرسانة حتى تصل الى الحديد المسلح الموجود فى الجدران ويآكل هو الاخر وينتج عن ذلك حلول اضرار جسيمة للمنزل , وليس هذا فقط بل واكثر من ذلك لأن الحمام يتسبب فى وجود الامراض لاصحاب المنزل .
لذلك تقوم شركة الرياض كلين للخدمات المنزلية بتركيب الطارد المعدنى المدبب ناحية الخارج والذى يمنع من وقوف الحمام على اسطح المنازل والنوافذ ويطرده بعيداً نهائياً .
ونضع الطارد المعدنى الوطنى المصنوع من المعدن الخالص الذى يتحمل التغيرات الجوية فلا يصدأ .
ولا يقتصر عملنا على مكافحة الحمام فثقط بل نحن شركة متخصصة فى العديد من الخدمات مثل
• مكافحة جميع انواع الحشرات .
• تنظيف فلل وبيوت وقصور .
• تنظيف جميع انواع المكيفات .
• تنظيف الكنب والمجالس .
• تنظيف السجاد والموكيت .
• تنظيف الستائر والاقمشة .
• نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف والتخزين .
• تسليك المجارى .
• شفط بيارات المياه .
• تنظيف وعزل خزانات المياه .
• رش مبيدات .
• رش دفان .
i think my favourite is the first one of Jocelyn's 6 month day.
GCLUB มือถือ
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