Sunday, July 01, 2012

quick update

I'll try to be quick here while I actually have some internet. We had a big storm a few days ago and our internet went out. I guess there's a line down in our back yard and we won't have service back till Tuesday probably. This is really cramping our style. So how am I updating my blog you ask? Well, we can tap into someone’s internet around here, but the service is exceedingly unreliable. So anyhoo, about said storm, it’s fun sitting in your doc’s office when everything suddenly goes completely black. It didn’t last too long that time, but before I left, it went out again for a longer time and I was sitting there waiting for it to let up before I could leave. Driving home was insanity. It sort of reminded me of baton rouge after Hurricane Gustav – most of the businesses had lost power and were all dark inside (naturally), and the traffic lights were out so driving was madness. I almost got rear ended by an obnoxious and rude semi. Anyway, it was good to be home after all that.

Aleah has been up to some fun shenanigans. Yesterday I took her to Target with me and I was getting insect repellent. She asked to see it and clearly without using my head, I handed it to her. It wasn’t sealed. She twisted the cap off in seconds and dumped the bottle ALL over before I even knew what happened. And it was STRONG smelling. And made a huge mess. We dripped our way to the wipes section and bought some and then dripped our way to check out. I confessed her sins to the clerk who was very gracious and didn’t even make me buy the stuff she dumped everywhere. She brought me a clean cart and there was no way her bug spray soaked clothes were getting in the car, so I pushed my necked 2 year old to the car, feeling like a real winner (she had shoes and a diaper on at least). The smell permeated the house for quite some time after we got home. So gross. It was a super duper fun shopping trip for sure. Today after church she was running in the gym and tripped and whacked her forehead and got an impressive bloody nose. She got blood all over her and Dave’s clothes. Hope it comes out. Fun times for her. I’m pretty sure she’s never bled that much, but all seems fine.

We’re gearing up for our summer travels and I’m getting excited. Not looking forward to hours in the car, but we’ll survive.

Baby is growing well and has been crazy active as of late. She doesn’t just kick, it’s like she lurches or something. It’s rather alarming and I don’t really remember the feeling with Aleah.

Well, this all seems pretty boring and I’m running out of anything new, so I guess I’ll sign off for now. 


Bethany said...

No, that was not boring! How soon do you leave on your big trip? And are you for sure going to be back for a bit of conference?? What a girl that Miss Aleah is!

Rhonda said...

so, maybe if she already soaked in repellent, the bugs will just leave her alone at Blue Lake? ha. what a girl...she reminds me of some others i know. :)

Soo said...

Oh do have a way with words. They come out more like vivid pictures. : )