Saturday, January 15, 2011

8 Months

Aleah was 8 months yesterday so here's a little update. I wanted to do a bunch of little pictures together but Blogger has huge issues and won't let me. So I have no clue what this will look like when I'm done. Anyway, let's see. She weighed in at 21 pounds and 26.5 inches. Her weight would indicate that she's finally slowing down and gaining less than half what was normal from months 2 - 6 or so. She only gained a pound and a half in 2 months. Should I be concerned? haha. I don't buy her height measurement. According to that, she's only gained a half inch in the last 2 months. Pah. one of them is off, because stuff is clearly a lot shorter than it was 2 months ago. As far as her new tricks, let's see... she still HATES being on her tummy - at 8 months? really? I find it odd. Needless to say, she's not even close to crawling. Her very favorite thing is just to sit on the floor surrounded by toys and play, and not move too far. She also frequently face plants while trying to get something out of reach and then yells for one of us to sit her up again. She's a stark contrast to the little girl her age I babysit. That girl doesn't really play with toys - she MOVES, and gets into things, and climbs things and people. She likes to climb all over Aleah and treat her as a life size doll. It's so funny to see how totally different they are. She had banana for the first time today and was a huge fan. She's made attempts at waving, but it's not consistent. She also LOVES the TV when she gets to see it. Like now because her dad is watching football. She's glad to be home and doesn't need too much action to be happy with life. She also really likes driving and looking out the window. She's FINALLY getting some hair and it appears to be quite straight. It tends to stick straight up when provoked. I'm sure there's more but I can't remember at the moment. I figure if I write these things here, in 20 years when I'm working on her scrapbook or whatnot, I can look back at the info.


Rhonda said...

that last picture reminds me soooo much of C! amazing how i see that in pictures, but in real life i only saw Chapman. :)

rachelslab said...

Her serious face, like the first pic, also often reminds me of C. Funny that Dave's mom looked at my pictures from our family get together and thought that Aleah looked more like my family.

Jenni said...

Happy 8-month-day, Aleah!! I really love her grin in the last picture. I miss my cutie-pie!

Soo said...

That last pic is so dang cute I can't STAND it! : )