Monday, October 04, 2010

Lake Pontchartrain and then some mindless babbling

On Saturday we took a little side trip to a town about an hour away. Turns out there's a really nice beach there. We had no idea. We'll definitely be going back! And hopefully spending more time.

The bridge in the distance
New Orleans in the distance, if you squint and stare
My baby, not in the distance at all...

Isn't it lovely?
For Jenni - remember this? = )
I think it's so funny - it's like pavlov's dog or something - it doesn't matter how hungry, tired, or cranky she is, when we sit her on the couch and get out the camera, she smiles. What in the world? These were taken Sunday afternoon when she was very tired and very hungry, but as soon as I plopped her there, big huge grins. not complaining. = )

This morning (according to master ipod) it was 46 degrees in Red Lake and 48 degrees in Baton Rouge. Of course it will warm up to almost 80 here and this is not so in Red Lake I'm sure. But it's still kinda cool, no? maybe no.

Someone in church told me about a really good thrift store in town that I haven't been to yet - oh the things that cause excitement around here. I usually have the other little gal on Monday but not so today so maybe I'll go check it out.

When can I start packing for our Christmas trip?

When can I start planning Dave's graduation party?

When is it okay to use the heater and air conditioner in the same day?

Why are people in Louisiana such mean drivers? Where'd the luv go?

Why do I stay up too late every single night even though every night I tell myself I'm going to go to bed early?

We break from random question time to write a paragraph - Dave and I recently started doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University online. We had started it and were wanting to get other people from church to do it as well but there wasn't much interest so we just started on our own. Now there's another couple that wants to do it as well so we're going to go back and listen to the first couple sessions with them and then keep going from there with the buddy system. It'll be nice to have someone to talk through things with and such. The whole thing is a little overwhelming - trying to figure out what we should work on first - saving for a house, a car, emergencies, debt reduction, etc. etc. etc. Hopefully I'm getting ahead of myself and he'll explain all that. If not, will you be so kind as to come visit me at the local funny farm and bring some baskets of freshly made bread that was prepared in your bosch?

Why haven't I learned how to make bread yet?

Well, truly this is all going downhill faster than I can run after it so I'll leave you now in peace. Happy crisp fall Monday Morning!


Soo said...

You're a trip, Rachie. Love the little girl in pink, by the way. I affirm your choice of a nice soft baby girl pastel color. And you haven't learned to make bread because you haven't invested in a teeny-weeny little breadmaker like my own. Fresh warm bread in smaller, more managable doses you you can have it warm and fresh more often. Grin.

Sabrina said...

great pictures, great post. and making bread isn't that hard, just take the plunge!

Jenni said...

like, like. and i must say, it's nice to see a picture little miss cutie-pie in a setting other than the couch. although it is a lovely couch and all. :-D i think her looks have suddenly changed. sigh. i miss her. and you.

LaRonda said...

You make me laugh! So, what are the plans for the grad party? I need to plan one soon. I am sure you have some great ideas.

rachelslab said...

LaRonda - I don't really have too many plans for a grad party yet. I have a good cake idea though. haha. Can't say it here though. I just dream of the day we can have a grad party. = ) Sabrina - I don't own a stand mixer - not sure if Dave Ramsey will let us buy one right now. boo. = P Maybe the breadmaker is a good idea Soo.