Friday, August 20, 2010

mother of all poops

Why don't I get anything done? This kid's bodily fluids are a full time job. Oh the poop and barf that this day has held. So today she woke up really happy from a nap - I guess it felt really good to rid of this load, but I'm not sure how she could smile so much while still sitting in it. I picked her up and smelled something rather suspicious. Then started to see things suspicious. Poop everywhere. I took of her poopy pants (with diaper still on) and lifted her legs to assess the damages and the poop POURED (poured, I tell you) out of the back of her diaper. Oh it was so gross, so everywhere. I took her diaper off and she promptly stuck her little pink fuzzy sock in it. nice. Anyway, just felt like sharing. I had this long list of stuff to get done today and basically none of it got done. What did I do all day? Mainly clean up poop and barf. And feed small child. I guess I did a bit of laundry, investigated to make sure a bill was paid, ordered diapers online that might actually fit, chatted with Rhonda a bit, took a shower (whoo hoo), made an important phone call, and popped a few bubbles on the ipod. So I did a few things. Hardly anything that was actually on my list though. And then I took the time to tell you about it. ha. I really want to post pictures soon. Pictures from the trip and all. Esp. on the new computer as I hear rumors that I can resize more than one at a time, speeding up the process greatly. It takes FOREVER to resize pics on this computer. However, I feel I should not allow myself the joy of posting pics until all my thank you cards are written. So wish me luck. I'm off to have an actual date with the hubs tonight - first one in ages. Before child was born and all. Happy Friday night everyone. = ) Hope your day was less poopy than mine.


Bethany said...

Whew - YUCKY!!! I hear Lanay filling her diaper several times a day. : ) I confess though that I haven't changed a poopy one of hers yet though - just two wet ones.

Jenni said...

hehe. MY baby pooped in the potty today and yesterday! (And now that I'm bragging about it, will she continue?)

The trick with the list thing is to put Everything on your list. Even taking a shower and making a phone call. Then you can cross stuff off!

Rhonda said...

ah yes, i remember those poopy days. for some time i was concerned that one of my babies had a physical defect, because the poop seemed to go up her back ALL the time. ha. now my baby can even wipe her own bum. tmi?

hope you had a great date!