Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Life in the fast lane ...

Seems to be a little blogging slump going on once again. I've been meaning to post for awhile now. Just takes time, esp. to resize pictures and all that good stuff. Anyway, what to tell you about life around here? My brother Sheldon and his daughter Sara came to visit a week and a half ago or so. You can find pictures of said trip below. We had a lot of fun and it was great to see some family. They were here from Friday evening till Tuesday morning. We had most of the world's problems solved by Sunday so the rest of the time was nice and relaxing.

Last week I switched to part time instead of full time at work. I've actually had quite a bit of time off because of my boss's schedule and her having family around. It's been really nice, but naturally, I feel like I should have way more done than I do. I really wanted to get all my pictures organized and our wedding book done before baby arrives. Now I'm thinking that's not going to happen. There's just been so many little things to take care of that before I know it, the day's gone. I'm working more toward the end of this week and the beginning of next week and then my former roommate from Indiana and another friend are going to be passing through Baton Rouge and staying for a couple days! This is by far the longest we have gone without seeing each other since we started rooming together back in um 04 was it? I haven't seen her for about a year and a half. So anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing her. Then we're down to just a few weeks. give or take.

Kumquat has been growing like crazy and making his/her presence very known. I've been feeling mostly okay during the day but nights haven't been very fun. I wake up pretty sore multiple times at night. My blood sugar has also been an issue, unfortunately. When I started checking at home, the numbers were always fine, but a few weeks ago they started getting too high. So she put me on meds and they seem to be somewhat stable, but not perfect.

Ummmmmmm.... trying to think of anything else that might be remotely interesting. I think this is all sounding sorta boring, but hey, it's an update, right? Last night Dave and I went for a lovely evening stroll. We ended up in a fenced in golf course and had to walk a little farther than anticipated. Which wasn't a big deal, but I guess my socks were too short and my shoes rubbed the skin raw on the backs of both my poor little heels (ankles? whatever you call the back of that foot area). So sad.

We had a really nice Easter weekend here. On Saturday we went to our friend's place and watched the kids hunt for eggs and had a nice lunch with them and another family. On Sunday afternoon we were invited to another family's place for lunch and had a nice relaxing visit with them. I thought it was funny - the dad and Dave his some eggs for the kids to find and they were very happy looking all over for these eggs. Later the mom said to us, "Yeah, they don't even know eggs are supposed to have candy in them - we just hide empty ones." hahaha! = ) While driving to church that morning, I was feeling very unspringy, very uneastery, very large, very annoyed at how late we were, etc. Dave was trying to cheer me up and said, "You're like an Easter egg with a treat inside!" To which I said, "good, then I should be able to hide in the bushes which is what I feel like doing!" Ah well, we amuse ourselves sometimes. Once I got to church I started feeling much more eastery, springy, and cheery, and was happy that we weren't even the last ones there.

I think that's all for now. Enjoy the pics.


Jenni said...

hahaha. an easter egg with a treat inside. that's great. and i had to laugh about you solving all the world's problems. i can just picture it! :-)

Sabrina said...

I remember driving to church the Sunday before Isaiah was born. I realized I forgot my purse so I of course also forgot my lipstick and I looked all pail and everything. I just cried. And it was ok. :)

Bethany said...

I never even knew that Easter eggs were supposed to have something inside of them! Ours never did at my grandparents. However, in Grandma's defense, she did always give us our own candy.

MJ said...

Hey Rachel
Looks like you got more comments then i did,
I always like other boogers..meant to say bloggers, Mine is boring jk
thanks for the update!!
Love ya, MJ

Iris said...

Ha! An easter egg with a treat inside. Ha! You guys crack me up. (Hey, egg...crack up....soon you will be a cracked up easter egg with the treat on the outside instead of on the inside! Yay!!!!)