Saturday, March 13, 2010

nothing much...

32 weeks and thrilled with life, yes indeed. Don't have much to say really, just thought I'd share this since the last one is about 6 weeks old. In other news, oh yeah, there is none. I'm glad it's the weekend so I have more time to stress over how there's so much to do and I'm not getting any of it done. It was nice to get out of the house bit tonight with the hubs. We skipped down the aisles of whole foods. They don't have many samples in the evenings. = ( Just some crackers that looked like they were full of bird seed, so no thank you. I'm sad about losing an hour tonight, but happy that it will be lighter longer in the evenings. Well, I should work on my list a little longer, that might be good. Next item - organizing the desk and filing important papers. And helping my poor, former roommate figure out what to do with her clock tonight. The poor dear is from Indiana where they all are still bitter that they now have to change time with the rest of the country. It's a tough concept to grasp and some need some special guidance. (if only I had the video of one such session when I still lived there. I could be rich indeed. comical I tell you!)


Jenni said...

hey, yer lookin' pregnificent!! :-)

Sabrina said...

Wow, you're on a roll with blogging! I'm sad about the time change too. Great picture! It's hard to believe you only have 8 weeks to go.

elise said...

Wow 32 weeks already! Scotty came at 38 weeks so your baby could be here in 6 weeks! How exciting! Hope you're feeling pretty good. The last few weeks are the hardest (for me anyways).

Anonymous said...

8 weeks??? Where did the time go? You probably feel like it's taking forever but it seems like you were just here having tea in my livingroom! You look fabulous!


Robyn said...

Oh man the ultrasounds are so exciting when you can see all those details. I totally understand your being thrilled at everything. Oh I can't wait to see this little person!!!