Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's a springtime miracle....

Okay, it's not a miracle at all, but unusual that I'm not waiting a month before blogging again. Anyhoo, through a complicated chain of events that I won't bore you with, I have the day off today. It's SO nice. I have a list a mile long of things to do, and I'm fighting the urge to not crawl back into bed. But I thought I'd start the day off right and update my blog first and then tackle the list. Well, I truly started the day off right with an ultrasound appt. Oh man, so now I'm a little giddy. Here's all the baby news - this is probably boring to some so feel free to skip. My doc said I should start having ultrasounds every week starting at 32 weeks, because I failed that glucose test. However, my numbers have been fine since checking at home and she's not even convinced I have GD. But just to be on the safe said... so anyway, I went for the one today, but I think I'm going to request getting out of some of them. It seems like total overkill! The one this morning was fun though, since everything is looking perfectly great and normal. And it was so fun to see that little person in there. At one point I got to simultaneously see and feel a kick - SO neat! Little feet and hands, saw all 5 fingers, and some good close ups of the face. At one point the arm was in front of the face and then he/she moved it and I could see the face as plain as can be and the mouth was opening and closing very wide-like. It was terribly cute, but I'm sure I'm more excited about it all than the average reader. The estimate is that baby weighs 4 pounds 1 oz. FOUR POUNDS? And it's going to be in the oven another 2 months? Yikes. And the technician said she could see quite a bit of hair already so by the time baby arrives, there's should be lots and lots. = ) fun. And the head is only "slightly" larger than average. Oh Father have mercy!! So that's what's new in baby land. Can't believe how fast time is flying and how much there is to do and such. I've been feeling okay, but so ready to be done with this. I have discovered, among the many prego symptoms, 3 that I really like. 1) Obviously feeling the baby move around. And now we can actually watch it move around which is pretty neat. 2) Clear skin. 3) Okay, so no one told me about this one and it came as a total and pleasant surprise - hair that does not get greasy. Sorry if this is TMI. But seriously - I've always been a religious every day or occasionally every other day hair washer. And if I ever skip one day, it's pretty nasty by the end of that second day. Anyhoo, I started to notice that I could easily go every other day while pregnant. Then I started to realize that my hair has no oil and feels more like a wire brush, and even at the end of the second day, it's not dirty yet. Oh joy of all joys. Might as well save the time and money! I won't admit how long I go now, but it really doesn't get dirty forever. So lovely. And according to my head sniffer, never smells funny either. I hope only girls are reading this. Other random things - I could eat 40 oranges a day - LOVE THOSE THINGS. And I could cry 40 times a day. For no reason. Or maybe a 4 pound reason, I don't know. Last night I slept pretty much all evening except for a couple hours, and then went to bed and kept sleeping and got to sleep in longer than usual because of not working - so very nice. Um, so this has all been about me and baby. I'm trying to think of other interesting things that have happened lately, but not coming up with much. I'll try to keep you posted. In the meantime, I hope I haven't seriously bored the life out of you. Now I'm going to go work on my list. That way maybe the weekend can be somewhat fun and relaxing.


Bethany said...

No, no, baby news is not boring at all. Baby talk is EVERYWHERE these days. Makes me feel like I'm having a kid too - except I still get to sleep all night. : )

Jenni said...

Very exciting rendition of the ultrasound. I can't wait to snuggle the little kumquat!!

Betty said...

I Love all the news! I am way past this stage but its fun hear about it!!!!

Sabrina said...

I love hearing baby news.

1.I still think your numbers were off because they made you fast before your blood test. Just my humble opinion.

2. Once when I got my hair cut the lady told me to try just rinsing my hair in the shower instead of using shampoo everyday. I didn't think it would work, but it did and I think my hair is healthier because of it.

Rhonda said...

as i said on skype...i love this blogging you've done! :) both the words and the pictures are great.