Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh yeah, a title...

Okay, blogger is officially driving me nuts! It will NOT let me write over the first picture, so I added an extra picture at the top and will hopefully be able to delete it after typing. How dumb is that? Anyway, just wanted to say hi and share some pics from the last week or so. This has been a long, crazy, and difficult week, but thankfully it's over and life is looking up I think. Ahhh, Saturdays... this is the first day in weeks that I don't have to leave the house. I'm not sure if I will or not. Dave just went to get groceries which means I'm also alone in the house which never happens these days either. Last Saturday we spent a long time sorting through our room, getting rid of stuff, and getting it organized. Today I hope to attack our guest room. Last Saturday Dave also drug me out to see Star Trek. He was beside himself with excitement about it. I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. = P Actually, I didn't mind it at all, which is about as much as we can hope for when it comes to movies with the 2 of us. Okay, here's some pics...
Me thinks strawberries are in season - $1.50 for these!

This is from last Saturday - happy 9 monthiversary to us. = ) This is one of our current favorite places to hang out.

And these are from last Sunday. We had the privilege of going out on the boat with some friends and their terribly cute kids. It was so much fun.
Really! it WAS fun! gracious.
I only post this unflattering picture of me (above) to point out that I think if I grabbed him and ran for the hills, no one would ever question if he was really mine or not. (which I am tempted to do every time I'm around them, but resist, since I had a solid upbringing that taught me right from wrong and such)

Aw, such handsome guys... shucks...


Jenni said...

wow, very nice! the boat ride looks like great fun and the little guys really are cute! and i love the picture of you and dave. yer so purdy!!

Rhonda said...

very nice. makes me homesick for lakes and boats. :) hope you have a good week!

Glenda said...

Rachel, Rachel...this comment doesn't necessarily fit this post, but bear with me, ok? I'm excited to have internet in my home...and have been looking forward to reading people's blogs from who knows back to when. So anyway, today it was "your" turn. I won't admit how long I've been sitting here reading, but my backside is getting rather tired of the couch. =) I just loved reading through your blog and certainly got my laughs for the day. I think my roomie was wondering what was wrong with me. =) Thanks for bringing a laugh into my life. You are so creative when it comes to writing....and I love reading it! So keep up the great work...and I promise...I'll try not to get so far behind again!