Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Song of Solomon new and improved

overheard and printed with permission:

(Side note: Ladies, do you ever notice that goatee's tend to trap odd smells? Or maybe it's just the south... or maybe my overactive sense of smell... anyway)

R: (sniff, sniff) "Your goatee smells like dog food."
D: "Ahhhhh, straight out of Song of Solomon... My love arrives. He stands at the door. His is covered in nard and his goatee smells like dog food."

I hope it's still funny. I nearly died laughing. Literally cause I started choking. But maybe you had to be there.


Anonymous said...


it didn't lose anything in the telling I thought it was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Me to! God was a great matchmaker when he put you two together:)

Jenni said...

yup, i'm laughing and laughing. where did you get that guy anyway?? :-)

Sabrina said...

Heheheh! You guys are great. Keep laughing together.

Iris said...

I'm thinkin too that God put you two together for good reason!! Your comment was funny But what's funnier is how fast Dave comes back with his crazy stuff. =)

By the way, I left a comment just for you on my blog....about the washer. Come read it.

Robyn said...

Keep writing the funny things you two say...I certainly don't have to be there to think it's funny
Esp since I can hear you cackling away HA HA If anyone knows a good cackle, it's me. :-)

Tamara Bergen said...

Hi Rachel,
Dave's version of Song of Songs is certainly very comical. I'm glad you met your match, and that his sense of humor will keep you both laughing. On a more serious note, I appreciated your blog about your mother. She was a special person to me as well, a very kind woman. I'm sure she is well pleased as she looks down from heaven on you and your husband.

Rita said...

OH my--there's nothing more to say then what's been said. And besides I'm still laughing out loud here in my living room all alone, so it's hard to write. You have definitely met your match for humor!