So, here you have it. A
pictorial tour of our very busy and fun weekend. These pictures are also intended to lure folks to come see us. Look at what the south has to offer! It was so much fun having company! And, miracle of miracles, I think these are mostly in chronological order. So, here we go... Bethany flew into Baton Rouge last Friday. I arrived at the airport rather weak and shaky - didn't expect that traffic to be that bad at 1o:30. And I'm a wuss in the big city. Anyway, united, once again. = ) (oh, some of these pics are mine and some are hers)

You will see many pics of the Miss. river with the Baton Rouge bridge. I apologize. But here's the first. Beth took this pic. Friday night we went to Tsunami's Sushi restaurant and this pic was taken from the amazing view right outside the restaurant. And we spent about 10 bucks between the 3 of us there. = P It's rather upscale and we're well, not. Mostly we came for the view. We took a bunch of pics from up there - most of them turned out pretty bad. The ones with people in them anyway...

Saturday we went to New Orleans. It was fun, but we probably had just as much fun in Baton Rouge. Anyway - here is the famous cafe
du monde, right by the Miss. river. I LOVED this place! You know why? There's only one thing to order! Now that's my kind of place! Sorta minimizes the trouble of decision making. 3 french donuts for 1 something - perfect. And free water. = )

More of New Orleans.

A living statue - saw these all over the place.

I thought this was a really neat picture - Bethany was trying to take it on the drive home and this is the
result of the night setting on her camera.

Back in little ole Baton Rouge. Sunday afternoon we went to see Mike the Tiger at
LSU. This is one of about 37 pictures that Bethany took of him, trying to get his head and not his rear.

Um, here's us and a statue. You never would have guessed...

Sunday Bethany and I walked on the levee as it was getting dark and she got this picture.

A really pretty fountain down town with the old
governor's mansion in the background. (former, not old

Monday Bethany and I went back to the levee and did a couple boat tour
thingys. This is the USS Kidd - a real army ship from sometime long ago. It was really interesting looking around in all the rooms inside. I was trying to capture the sleeping quarters. This actually looks quite roomy compared to some - can you imagine?

The USS Kidd

This was a smaller boat that apparently sails all over and was docked in Baton Rouge for a couple weeks. We got to go and look around. And here is Bethany with Jack Sparrow. = P It was sort of creepy - the
resemblance. This was the USS Bounty. But the Canadian in me kept wanting to say the USS Mountie. Duh.

Once again, the river, bridge, levee...

Along the levee - this is where we walked to get on the Bounty.

Can you read this?

The old governor's mansion. Below - we went to the capital building and it was really neat. Dave and I had been there once before. There is a lookout over the city on the 27
th floor. When Dave and I were there back in January, it was closed. When Bethany and I were there on Monday, it had started to rain, so we could go up to that floor, but we
couldn't go outside. = ( Below is a picture of a bullet hole in one of the columns in a hallway at the capital building. A long time ago, one of the governor's was shot there. Apparently he was the one who had the building made and did a lot of good, but was somewhat of a dictator and people were freaked out about him running for president.

All the names of the states are on the steps up to the building, along with the year they became a state.

The house of representatives side - the dandy little voting desks.

The much more plush and beautiful senate. It was decorated for Christmas and was quite amazing.

Monday Bethany and I went to a swamp to hopefully see some alligators and such. It turned out that we didn't see so much as a toad, when it came to wildlife. = ( It was a nice walk though.

There was a nature center inside and there were lots of snakes and other

The end. We left the reptiles and headed to the airport.
wow, that's some tour! glad you had fun!
I had to chuckle at your haircut story, as I had a similar thing happen this week. I decided to cut my boys' hair to save a few bucks. Two out of the three turned out okay, but on the oldest, who probably cares the most, I had obvious "blending issues". I was quite distressed about how it looked and at one point also considered that he must just have a really wide and strangely shaped head. I sent him off to work out at the Y, and then spent a while on YouTube and other websites trying to figure out how to blend the scissor and clipper cuts so that it looked decent. It's never as easy to do as they make it seem, but when he got back, I worked on it again and eventually got it to where it was acceptable. In the future, I think I'll be watching for coupons from local haircutting places!
a. i love when you blog and b. i wish i could come visit you.
dido to the comment above!
We're looking forward to Christmas to see you guys again. When are you coming and for how long? Be prepared for lots of snow! It was kind of funny to see palm trees and such in your pictures. It's such a different life from what we're experiencing here! : )
Baton Rouge looks like a beautiful place. Maybe some day we will have to come visit.
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