Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More sorting fun

Please! Buy us PENS for Christmas!! Oh my word! Again, I don't feel as though the picture really does it justice. There were SO many.

And now may I proudly present (Clockwise from upper left) pens for the living room, pens for the bedroom, pens for the computer room, pens for Dave to take to school, pens for Goodwill, and pens for the trash.

Together at last... Dave and I discovered that we have had matching staplers for who knows how long. All they have really wanted all these years was to be together. Isn't it just a tear jerker?


Jenni said...

good gracious!! send me a couple! or put a few in my stocking for christmas. :-) i love the staplers. that's so funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel how precious!! No serious, that was reall funny and cute, glad to hear your still organizing and loving it.

Rhonda said...

holy pens, batman! that's amazing! and the staplers are very cute. :)

LaRonda said...

It looks like it was love at first sight for those snazzy staplers.

Sabrina said...

I think someone eats are pens. Great cooking story too. I feel your pain because I remember the agony of preparing food for people when we first got married. Here's a clue, now that you have a plan write it down somewhere and you can do it again for the next set of new parents. I have several meals that I'm sure my family is sick of, but I know they'll turn out, and I know they're good. Takes the stree out of taking food to people and preparing food for guests.