Okay, as for the following picture, I need to do some explaining. Our room is by far the most put together in the place so far. But I've been going squirlly with all the white (I guess technically off-white) walls. Look out matilda when we have a house because there will not be a speck of white in that thing!! Anyhoo... to make matters worse, we found a bed spread awhile ago that we both liked (that's not the worse part) but I didn't really think about the fact that the main color is off white, and what this room is crying out for is color. So what I WANTED to do was find a way to put a whole bunch of color on one wall - esp. to break up the bedspread and white walls. So I was picturing this really cool thing in my head. A big piece of fabric, tied in a pazazzy fasion and flowing downward, to brighten things up. Well I was in Walmart awhile ago and saw this (whispered sheepishly) tablecloth and though hey, that would be perfect, no need to hem anything, bla bla bla. So it all looked so nice in my head and I got it home and put it up and we just laughed. Because it doesn't look cool or nice or pizzazy. It just looks like there's a table cloth hanging on our wall. Truth be told, I only pounded in the top nail, so the sides are being held up by stick tack which doesn't stay at all, I just restabbed it to the wall for the picture. So, any ideas? pleeze?
And for some more explaning... One of my main jobs (now) in life is to see that Dave is presentable. It's sorta fun actually. But, um, let's see, where do I begin. No offence to anyone out there who may do this, it's not TERRIBLE, it's just not wonderful in my opinion either. But he insists on wearing shorts with long socks and tennis shoes. This is one battle that I cannot win. I admit I've won most of them when it comes to wardrobe selections. So as a consession, I just constantly remind him to pull his socks down and not to have them hicked up to china, while wearing shorts. So we were going through piles of his clothes while moving in and he has this shirt. shudder. It came from a friend of his whose (very wise) mom made him get rid of it. So he gave it to Dave. Why God, why?? I don't know if you can see on the picture or not, but it has real little people in red swim gear surfing all over the place. Dave will not get rid of it. Of course he will never wear it out of the house, but he won't get rid of it either. Then we came across of pair of very "mature" looking slinky feeling dress shorts. I have no clue how in style they are but I told him there's no way he can wear socks hiked up to china and tennis shoes with those shorts. (so we got rid of them) So there's the complete picture.
James used to wear long socks and shorts (or jeans) with sandals. Too weird here in the south. His did it because he thought his toes looked funny. He finally realized that the socks looked more weird than his toes ever did!
I think that's a lovely looking sort of angelic being hanging above your bed? Perhaps to give you good dreams? :)
ok, so I'm not sure who Bryan & are and why my name appears to follow as a sort of afterthought? someone was messing with it :(
look at Dave and then look at the "angelic being" , they kind of look similar!!! oh my word...you were not kidding about your apartment being dirty!!! you guys are totally awesome cleaners tho....I'm sure if you showed neighbors your pictures...you could be hired to be professional cleaners in a heartbeat!!! loved all the pictures. thanks for sharing!!
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