Tuesday, September 23, 2008

HALALUJAH!!!!!! (or however you spell it)

Ahhh, it's getting late. Dave is working on Math stuff. I was going to be off the computer long ago, but we just got our wedding pictures tonight!! Ohhhhh such fun. It took ages to look at them all. Poor Dave had stuff he needed to do for school so he couldn't even look at all of them with me. I would say overall I'm very happy with them. There are a few things I wish we had, or would have been more specific about, but they look very professional and he got some great shots. (if anyone wants to see them, send me an e-mail and I can send you the link)

Anyway, that's not really what I was halalujahing about though. And now, a short story. Dave has off school on Mondays. Or I should say, he doesn't have to teach or take classes, but he does have a lot of work to do to prepare for the week, generally speaking. So anyway, we were frittering about the homestead today, exchanging pleasantries and in general enjoying the day. This afternoon we were going to haul some junk to Goodwill and deposit some cheques (or checks for you Americans) that have arrived in the mail in the last couple days. One of those checks, the most valuable I might mention, was a 200 dollar check for Dave's rent deposit from his summer apartment. I thought I knew exactly where it was (on the floor on a very specific pile) and went to grab it and head on our merry way. Well, it wasn't there. Not to panic, I'll check another pile. Not there either. So I continued to check pile after pile (we're not quite as slobby as this is making us sound...) and NOTHING. It was as though the check had just vanished into thin air. And at this stage in our lives, loosing checks is not something we are aspiring to, let me just tell ya! So for the next almost 2 hours, both of us tore the place apart, searching high and low everywhere we could think of and looking in our cars and then starting all over, again and again. Nothing. How come junk mail doesn't get lost, but a 200 dollar check... anyway... By this time, we were neither frittering, nor exchanging pleasantries. We were downright annoyed and cranky. I could remember seeing the check in it's envelope either Saturday or Sunday. Dave remembered seeing it as well, but neither one of us could remember doing anything at all with it. So anyway, we decided to just go to Goodwill, deposit the checks we do have, and then come home and look some more and hope it would should up eventually. So we got home and I told Dave I'm scared it's in the garbage somewhere, meaning it's just gone, like it fell out of a pocket somewhere and will never been seen again. He asked if we should check the garbage here. Now there were 2 big bags of garbage in the kitchen that had been waiting to be taken out for a little while (again, we're really clean people). I said, oh, I can't imagine it would be in our garbage here, but we might as well check. I graciously offered to go through the tiny trash can in the spare room if he would go through the 2 big bags in the kitchen, because I'm nice like that (how is this short story getting so crazy long? I have no idea)... and I was half joking. ANYWAY, he went to dig through the trash and came skipping into the spare room moments later... WITH THE CHECK (or CHEQUE for the Canadians) IN HAND!! That's right, it was in the trash, tied up, waiting to be taken out. I had wanted him to take it out yesterday but HOORAY for procrastination!! It was with a bunch of junk mail that I threw out. Yes, I take full responsibility for throwing the check in the trash because I'm fairly confident of the 2 of us, I'm the one who would generally perform tasks such as sorting and throwing out mail. Anyway, thank the Lord the check/cheque is found and that the trash wasn't taken out yesterday before we knew it was missing. Otherwise it really would have been gone forever. Ummmm... that just might be it.


Anonymous said...

Yay! What a relief after all that searching. And yes, please, I'd like the link to your pictures. You've got my email address. : )

Jenni said...

the moral of the story is: if you're going to be disorganized, you should procrastinate too! :-)

Anonymous said...

hallelujah indeed. that totally reminded me of a very painful incident that did not turn out so well for us. we had a bunch of wedding gift money that we took on our honeymoon, and, believe it or not, we brought several hundred dollars back with us. (i've blocked the exact number from my mind.) but, after we'd been back for a day or two we went to get it from the place we had been keeping it and it was not there. now, it could either be in the car or in our teeny tiny apartment. but it just wasn't! after searching for days, we finally gave up. that's the sad, tragic end to my story. i'm really glad your's turned out better!

Anonymous said...

you, my friend, are crazy. and i really enjoyed the comment you left on my blog; especially since i can hear in my mind exactly how you would say it! :)

jigawatt said...

ANYWAY, he went to dig through the trash and came skipping into the spare room moments later

If you ever get a video of Dave skipping, please share it with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Wedding pictures, LaRonda and I sat down together and went through them all what fun, You are as beautiful as I remembered.

Jenni said...

so, you were here messing around with the color of your blog, so maybe you could post too?? :-) is the purple dave's consolation prize for having a red wedding?